Hello fellow java lovers. So I have been working on a zombie up side down game. Mostly for the purpose of learning. I have come to the stage of development where the AI needs to be upgraded. My current AI for the zombies is very simple. They simple walks towards the angle of the players current location. This method has many problems, cleary. They cant walk around walls and they walk inside of eachother (I tried creating a collision between the zombies, but it glitched out quite a bit). So I have been reading fairly much on the subject of AI lately, especially on A* algorithm. But I have had problems trying to implementing it.
So now to my question('s). The game box head ( http://www.y8.com/games/box_head_2play ) have a good pathdinding algorithm, or atleast I think so. And the game I’m working on is fairly simmilar to it. What pathfinding AI do you think the game uses? And could you give me some resources to help me on my way?
Thanks for reading.