I learned ths afternoon, that there are two different JVM, a server VM and a client VM. I’ve seen some benchmarks (i know, we can make them tell what we wants…) telling that the server VM is very very faster than the client VM and even sometimes, or more than sometimes, faster than C++.
I know the “Java is slow”, is only a FUD today, but i can’t believe it easily…
If it’s true, why the server VM isn’t used by default ? I’ve read that’s because of its longe loading time and because it takes more RAM that the client vm, that’s true ?
The server VM can execute the same code than the client VM ? I ask that, because it’s a “server” vm, and you don’t play 3D games on a server very often…
For instant, for games, with a cost of a longer loading time and a few more of memory, you can have very better performances, or am i wrong ?