When I created a little 128 bit library, I did a lots of benchmarks.
So little results about Java5 beta. ~_^
client doesn’t remove array boundary checks, or it will do it much less efficiently than server.
client doesn’t inline even getters, setters.
server have strange behaviour with Xcompile / Xbatch. It looks like something is running on background and slowing first few instructions in the method.
Also, I’m unsure if server could compile
int some = (int) (someLong & constForConversionToInt);
mov eax, [the right part of long]
Do you have more experience with differences between client and server, int terms of code generation?
Basically Java6 would need a nice library with multiple compilation level library, and transfer a lot of features from server to client. Namelly function call inlining, and array boundary check removing.