I’m expanding Rescue Squad and one of the things I’d like to have is more interesting and varied levels which change on the fly (things going wrong, changing objectives, etc.). The obvious method would be some kind of simple scripting support, so I’m looking into which existing languages to use.
Searching through the forums, the main choices seem to be Beanshell, Groovy, Pnuts and Jython. Beanshell would be an obvious choice, as I wouldn’t have to waste time learning a new language and the amount of work required to intergrate it and expose an API to it seems minimal. However every reference to it in the forum search seems to be people complaining about it’s poor performance, which kind of puts me off somewhat.
Ideally I’d like a “simpler” language to script in (ie. less boilerplate code, less strict typing, etc.), so Jython would seem to be a good option, but I suspect that would require quite a bit of more work to intergrate and manully expose a suitable API to the scripting language.
Since I’d like to stick to 1.4, anything that requires the new scripting stuff in the JRE is probably not suitable either. Anyone any recommendations before I just randomly pick one?