Revenge of the Titans

As a Linux user I can appreciate the pain of dealing with different X setups. Really there is no easy way to avoid a lot of support (if people use Linux for the game). What some have done is support a very narrow range of Linux setups. Then linux uses of other setups kinda have to work it out for themselves. I assure you that at least people like me don’t mind.

xrand etc always causes issues if you don’t have standard resolutions or a non standard something. The only way that really works reliability is to support a windowed mode. But i know you do this (works on my very oddly setup laptop with slackware).

The diversity of setup options is what i like about linux… but its also the reason that big companies don’t officially support their game ports on Linux…

My apologise for being so… uneasy ::slight_smile: I just can not locate the out.log file.
I even did a system scan, while the app was running to check but nothing came up.

Did I mention I used the Java Webstart? Is there any way I can get you this information in a different manner?

I also tried the game (kind of… had to move the windows several times to be able to see the game fully). It looks really impressive!
Definately somehting I would buy :-*

The out.log and err.log files are found in ~/.Revenge of the Titans 1.6

Cas :slight_smile:

:smiley: No comments… I just began using Ubuntu :persecutioncomplex:
I could not post the contents here, so I uploaded to my webserver.

Here they are:

Well, it claims to be running in fullscreen mode at 1440x900. Is that not the case? If it’s still in a window, then you’re probably running some odd desktop magic like compiz. Which LWJGL doesn’t like.

Cas :slight_smile:

It is fullscreen, but not 1440x900 :slight_smile: I do run compiz, but I can not turn it off without losing a lot of my desktop functionality.
I will try it later with minimal effects on my desktop though. ::slight_smile:

Well, try disabling it completely and testing it.

Cas :slight_smile:

I tried now with Visual Effects set to None. It worked! :smiley:
This game is great :-*

I downloaded and tried the demo yesterday and completed the earth/moon levels.

My initial thoughts:

Nicely polished game. Looks good, sounds good.

Very frustrating when trying to place something in a crowded location. Don’t know if it will fit but sometimes it looks like it should but the space seems to be a pixel too thin.

Research trees are confusing. It’s not quite apparent what nuclear research will do, or efficiency, etc. I played the first 20 levels without any sensor sweep technology cause I couldn’t afford it and thus didn’t know about it. Dang, that could have been quite useful to know about!

Researching is expensive. While I can survive a new level I often find that I’m just short of affording an upgrade. So I play the next level, survive by the skin of my teeth, and then find myself just short again. Grr.

One thing I liked about Tower Defence was that I had the feeling that I was progressing and becoming more and more powerful each wave. In RotT I don’t get that feeling. Instead I feel like I’m falling farther and farther behind as I pass each level because I cannot afford the upgrades and all I have to show for it is roughly the same amount of money as before.

Conversely if I buy an upgrade I wonder if I did the right thing. If I have the wrong technology and combined with the fact I have less money for next round I feel like I’m being punished for making the wrong choice.

Confusing to know what context you’re in when clicking something. If I select a blaster and I’m trying to place one and then I notice that I need to reload or collect clicking doesn’t do anything until I press or exit place blaster mode.

It’s annoying not being able to know which way the titans will go or have some way of re-routing them. Sometimes I place an item and it’s nowhere near in range.

I’d like to see health bars on all titans once they’re damaged.

Overall a pretty interesting game. However for me personally, it seems be lacking in the fun factor and satisfaction of progression that can be found in simpler games.

I’m surprised I haven’t seen the Puppy Games Ultrabundle mentioned here yet.

That’s a pretty insane price drop! I started giggling when I realized you’re asking for a fiver in US money – just 3.72 of Her Majesty’s pounds. I spent more yesterday on a sandwich!

We basically wanted to choose a price that is just plain nonsense. There is no feasible reason not to buy it, unless you just plain don’t like a single one of our games at all.

Cas :slight_smile:

Light the fire, and stand back! ;D


Meh, the admins of hotukdeals pulled it from their site because apparently contains no contact info.

I want that ultra-bundle. How long does the offer stand? :smiley:

Hm, I suppose there’s no harm in putting our UK registered company details on the site.

@Mads - who knows? :smiley: Maybe forever… maybe not :slight_smile: We’ll just have to see how much money it brings in. But let’s be realistic here - the only way it can go from there is up, really :wink:

Cas :slight_smile:


Definately also sold! :smiley: Let’s see if I buy it before the end of the week.

Well, here’s some interesting statistics, now sales have died down to the usual trickle:

We sold 339 Ultrabundles for Linux, 355 Ultrabundles for Windows, and just 94 Ultrabundles for Mac. Linux being neck-and-neck with windows is interesting and curious - basically it would seem that Linux users are tightwads and need to be presented with a complete bargain. However, I received about 60 support emails concerning curiosities about Linux (one of which was my fault technically, but which passed just fine on OpenJDK and failed on Oracle). The amount of support from Linux is pretty disproportionate, and indeed, if this were a business (which it is - hah!) and I had to employ someone to take care of the support, we’d literally not have made a penny on Linux sales because of the myriad little hassles that Webstart and Java have.

Most of the rest of the failures and hassles were caused by LWJGL being incompatible with Compiz, or the complete failure of desktop icon integration to work. Grr.

Mac users seem to be in massive decline suddenly as well - other indie devs across the board have noted Mac sales have slumped right down.

So once again, Windows is king.

All in all we made $2872 from the Ultrabundle. As you can see the payment provider swallowed a grand. I think I might have to contact them and see if we can cut a deal on it.

Cas :slight_smile:

Just a really simple question/suggestion (perhaps I am just blind and can’t find it on your web site). I can’t seem to find a non-jws/applet option.

Seriously. I hate those things, is there a “stand alone” option or even a jar option? I really don’t want to use webstart or applets, just like i don’t want to play flash games… But if I can download them…

It’s on the to-do list. But I have absolutely no idea how to make Linux installers. Made more complex by the fact I’ve got to account for a whole load of different flavours. Maybe I should just go with .deb, Gnome, and 32 and 64 bit variants and let people figure out the rest.

Anybody any ideas how to go about a proper first-class linux installation? Hopefully something that can run automatically on Ant… under windows?

Cas :slight_smile:

IMO you need at least one (only one!) should just be a unpack able archive (tar.bz2 or whatever). The way i do it right now for mac and Linux is just a zip archive with a bash launch script +JRE. The ability to install/run it locally without forking with package managers (which need root) is a must. Its a game after all, you shouldn’t need to use root for anything for it if you don’t want to and it should be so silly as to install in /usr/… etc or whatever if i don’t want it to be. Quake/ET etc use a self extracting archive with instructions.

I really don’t understand the complications made with installing software via installers. Unpack, cd, run. How much easier can it be?

Any linux person worth his/her salt can link/install globally as required. (my launch scripts permit soft linking from anywhere).

KDE/Gnome integration is something i just don’t care about. However I realize some others may(why then are you on linux i may ask ;)). My mac users just drag the launch script to the launcher or whatever its called and are all happy.

However i do realize that Linux is an install/support nightmare. One solution is to support one base distro. That should be ubuntu, even though that would be bad for me, its the logical choice.

but seriously. What it wrong unpack and play?