I downloaded and tried the demo yesterday and completed the earth/moon levels.
My initial thoughts:
Nicely polished game. Looks good, sounds good.
Very frustrating when trying to place something in a crowded location. Don’t know if it will fit but sometimes it looks like it should but the space seems to be a pixel too thin.
Research trees are confusing. It’s not quite apparent what nuclear research will do, or efficiency, etc. I played the first 20 levels without any sensor sweep technology cause I couldn’t afford it and thus didn’t know about it. Dang, that could have been quite useful to know about!
Researching is expensive. While I can survive a new level I often find that I’m just short of affording an upgrade. So I play the next level, survive by the skin of my teeth, and then find myself just short again. Grr.
One thing I liked about Tower Defence was that I had the feeling that I was progressing and becoming more and more powerful each wave. In RotT I don’t get that feeling. Instead I feel like I’m falling farther and farther behind as I pass each level because I cannot afford the upgrades and all I have to show for it is roughly the same amount of money as before.
Conversely if I buy an upgrade I wonder if I did the right thing. If I have the wrong technology and combined with the fact I have less money for next round I feel like I’m being punished for making the wrong choice.
Confusing to know what context you’re in when clicking something. If I select a blaster and I’m trying to place one and then I notice that I need to reload or collect clicking doesn’t do anything until I press or exit place blaster mode.
It’s annoying not being able to know which way the titans will go or have some way of re-routing them. Sometimes I place an item and it’s nowhere near in range.
I’d like to see health bars on all titans once they’re damaged.
Overall a pretty interesting game. However for me personally, it seems be lacking in the fun factor and satisfaction of progression that can be found in simpler games.