Good Point.
“Already have the Demo? No further download necessary!” definitely sounds better than “Cool DRM”.
Good Point.
“Already have the Demo? No further download necessary!” definitely sounds better than “Cool DRM”.
Biggest barrier to purchase i’ve come across so far is the download speed =(
Downloading the demo, i’m only getting 40-60KB/s. I’d typically expect atleast 10 times that.
A 10 minute wait for downloading the demo of a casual indy game seems to me like it’d be a big put off.
Have you looked into mirror hosting? or providing a torrent?
I think calling it DRM Done Right or whatever was actually an extremely good idea, as this is a touchy subject that attracts links from social media sites like flies to shit.
More visitors to the blog == more people know about puppygame == more potential customers.
Hm the files should already be mirrored on (our CNAME points to the simplecdn cache)
I take it you mean all 3 games prior to RoTT. Either way, very tempting…
That surprises me. I’d always imagined the majority of Puppygames customers to be loyal fans who bought every game. Not the case?
I’ve only bought one game, but I’ll check out the others next time i need to scratch the gaming itch (I buy a new game about once a month on average).
I tried the new demo, wanted to know what endless was about. But since it was not available I tried the campaign again, seeing if it was funnier than last I tried. Apart from the good thing that the titans wait until I build my first refinery, it was worse. I want to set the difficulty. I don’t want the game to decide that. IMO, starting on the hardest difficulty is stupid for a demo. If you really want to adjust the difficulty automatically, it should start easy, and if the game is going very good for the player, raise the bar. At least, the game should detect that I am lagging behind in science, and change the difficulty.
Is it possible to end up in a dead end? You have played good on the first X levels, but not good enough to be able to buy some vital technology. Then comes this critical level that you can’t complete. I would be very frustrated and quit, rather than start from an earlier level and try to buy that tech.
I died deliberately a few times, restarted the level (asking for an easier), completed it and still got a gold medal, seems strange???
This is more or less my own experience. But I think it’s more or less my own fault because:
By doing this, it seems difficulty gets overly hard. Also by researching every level, I never have enough money to reseach the importan (expensive) things or build a really impressive base. I hardly get 10000 credits a level this way.
Maybe you should add some hints, how much money you should put aside for the levels, when to buy a laser etc. Also difficulty adjustment should take retries into account (if it doesn’t already)
The game does rather require you to be a little more strategical with research.
In a nutshell: you probably shouldn’t try to research something every level. If you start a level with less than, say, $3k in the bank you are probably going to find it extremely hard. I’ve just managed to do it a few times, up to a point - I think I can get to the Moon and research something every level - but after that I’d need to be some sort of demon strategician with the reflexes of a cat. Having said that - if you regenerate a level to be easer about 4 times over it will be almost a walk in the park.
Markus - I suspect you just played v1.52 rather than 1.6? I think I’ve fixed that gold medal bug. Well, I thought I had. Apart from hopefully that bug being fixed, the difficulty curve is more forgiving. The first 8 levels or so are really just a tutorial and should be so utterly simple that if you aren’t completing them with absolute ease you might be doing something fundamentally wrong. You are aware for example that you don’t have to “click” anywhere, you can paint and drag the mouse to build buildings, collect refineries, and reload turrets? And are you also aware that you should put down loads of refineries around a crystal in order to make sure you’ve mined the whole thing before the level ends? (Strike a balance, naturally, small crystals only yield $600 for example)
That’s exactly what I mean. This kind of advices should be contained in the game like the general warning you not to spend too much money on research or something.
I’ll pop in a hint on the research screen, and a later reminder, too.
I can not get this game to work. How do I start the game? There appears no buttons or anything on the title-screen :-\
No buttons?
Either they’re off the screen for some reason (what’s your screen res?) or you’ve got really broken drivers.
Being a bit devious here, but how about the winner takes 99%?
Way ahead of ya I figured Puppygames would cream off 10% and the winner gets the other 90%.
EDGE: Puppy Games
After all the media attention given to Markus/Minecraft over the last few weeks, is it now Cas’s turn? 8)
I’m on a 1440 x 900 resolution.
The buttons for changing name, and closing the game appears but nothing else.
I got the latest drivers for my Nvidia card
Used the webstart on my Ubuntu
Hm that’s not an atypical resolution, and if the profile button appears so should the other buttons at the bottom. I bet they’re just somehow off the bottom of the screen, but I can’t think how. Can you send me the out.log file in your user home directory?
Well I got no errors , so no log for now Though I have discovered that the window is too “long” for my screen, and the rest of the screen appears out of the screen.
I think the width is okay though. :-\
After playing around with my resolution I found that if I change the dimensions from 16:10, to 16:9 the screen top was hid instead of the buttom. Afterwards it locked my resolution to 16:9 when having the game window open. ???
out.log contains a line which says what screen mode it’s setting. It’s possible your xrandr configuration or whatever it is is reporting something funny to the game, which chooses a strange window size.
Grrr. Linux.