Revenge of the Titans

The gist of it’s here:

I’d be especially thankful to any of you community member types who care to Digg the story, or vote it up a bit on Slashdot! I think we’ve cracked the DRM nut in the most awesome possible way. And made a completely cool game which I hope you enjoy :slight_smile: So much so, that you can have a free registration as a bribe for Digging or Slashdotting the post. Crafty eh.

Cas :slight_smile:

The best DRM is no DRM. DRM only hurts costumers.

That’s the line that pirates trot out. Read about our DRM! It’s your rights we’re protecting, more than ours.

Cas :slight_smile:

I think what you’re implementing works very well. I actually did close to the same thing for Martians Vs. Robots and it saved both myself and the users a LOT of potential headaches. The only difference was that I didn’t cap it at ten, I just kept a running total to see if any registration codes “got out of control” somehow… which never happened btw, due to the e-mail-back system, and the fact that I never sold all that much. :stuck_out_tongue:

In all these years actually only about 4 or 5 people abused our system. I simply disabled their registrations until they complained, then they registered once more and I never heard from them again. The 10 limit is really just a safety measure in case someone’s email link escapes into the wild on some warez site - it’ll just automatically limit the damage.

Cas :slight_smile:


Am offended here: “Find inferior open source / Flash alternatives”

Open Source is not inferior in any way to closed source. Personally I think it’s better, as it gives the people more trust in your product.

Done reading. your DRM sounds nice, but I still think donation/donation items is the way to go to make money, and that no DRM is a better marketing tool, but don’t compare open source to flash! X_X

edit: BTW, good job on all the fixes and such. And congrats on getting a game out and finished.

You misread it :slight_smile: It does not state that open source is inferior (as if! LWJGL cough cough). It states that the alternative games are inferior, and that they may be written in Flash or may be open source, as examples.

Finished! Hah! Not for another 2 months I’m afraid. As as for no DRM and donations… well… watch this space 8)

Cas :slight_smile:

Alright, I’ll digg ya than (If I can get back to my old account).

Sounds good to me. You are getting some free advertising from my way, hope it helps.
Btw you really need to get Paypal as a payment option. I never do credit card stuff on the net, I’m sure a lot of people are the same.

[quote]but I still think donation/donation items is the way to go to make money
That really depends on the game.

I would suggest you drop the 10 time limit, people are super freaked out by number limits regardless of how loose they are. Just count registrations and monitor it for clear abuse.

Personally I would love to see someone try a ransom system, the problem is you need an established reputation. Imagine if Markus for his next game after finishing it and posting screenshots and a demo decided it was worth $10 million dollars and required that much in donations before releasing the game free to all.

Wow that’s some really generous and gutsy security, especially considering that the pirate version will just be the demo + instructions to block the game in your firewall.

Are there any online exclusive features that only registered users get?

Not in Revenge, no, it’s a pure single player affair.

Cas :slight_smile:

Hmm, my server seems to have died. Again :frowning: It’s really not fun doing this sometimes.

Cas :slight_smile:

Seems to work here.

That’s coz I just rebooted it ::slight_smile: I wonder what’ll kill it next.

Cas :slight_smile:

+1 for paypal

nice DRM

haven’t tried the game. Is there a java webstart link to the demo?

wrong. People stop doing good games and all flock to WOW crap farmville pooop

yes, try the linux link which is a java web start.

@princec maybe you should market the DRM a little better by calling it something cool, like Anti-DRM or ADRM, Non Evil DRM, etc :slight_smile:

Well, it is the Coolest DRM Ever :slight_smile:


BTW, BMTMicro, our payment processor, take PayPal.

Cas :slight_smile:

DRM has such a bad reputation, that maybe you’d be better of not calling it DRM, regardless of how great it is.

See CyanPrime’s initial reaction, he’s not the only one to think like that.