Revenge of the Titans

Didn’t find it there. Wasn’t it accepted or didn’t you submit the trailer? Wouldn’t pass this one, because everyone and my mother watches The 1.5 release could be a nice opportunity to show off with a brand new trailer… :wink:

Ah no we haven’t gotten on to gametrailers yet. Maybe it’s time. Or maybe we’ll wait until the Sell button is in as that’ll affect the screenshots rather a lot.

Cas :slight_smile:

Well, I sent a link to the old trailer, let’s see if it appears… sales are seriously flagging again unfortunately (about 10x less than we need to just survive - which is an embuggerance)

Cas :slight_smile:

sales.setFlag(sales | 0x11111111111111);


‘sales’ is an instance and an int!

You realize that that would be “10001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100010001” in bits?



Don’t you know about magic object / integer / funny or-ing? Clearly not. Lamer.

'twas a joke - the word “flagging” for the sales made me think of flag setting, and I didn’t want to spend longer than 8 seconds typing :slight_smile: .

Sadly it’s more like sales = new Integer(2);
C’mon everyone! Spread the werd!

Cas :slight_smile:

Oh my god, so I own a rare collectors item :wink:

Edit: do I know the other one???

That’s daily sales :slight_smile: Still not actually enough to live on between 2 people. Or even eat daily. Rubbish.

Cas :slight_smile:

Cas, would you mind me being overly verbose?

I think you really really really really should bring back the puppygames forums.

People must have confidence in your company and your game (I know this sounds lame), and often a look at the forums gives the ‘warm and cozy feeling’ that, if they were to get in trouble, they’ll be heard, random people can jump in and answer, stuff like that.

I vaguely recall you got hacked through your previous forum, and you took it down, but really… I think you might get a few more sales. Maybe a lot, time will tell.

Anyway, at least for me it’s a major turnoff not to find a community on a casual game. :persecutioncomplex: Then again, I never bought a game online.

Haha :slight_smile: Should I really listen to you then? :slight_smile:

Yes, our forums did get hacked, but as they were so low traffic, we decided not to put them back at the time. We will probably reinstate them at some point, but as we don’t have a community game yet*, it’s probably a little too soon. Right now though the blog has a rather thriving post count and it’s nicely threaded. Like a sort of mini forum.

Cas :slight_smile:

  • Guess what the next game’s going to be

Multiplayer version of RotT called Titans Forever :wink:

A Soldat clone?

Actually, we’ve got a whole load of ideas. I’m in favour of a giant hands-off robot battle game, akin to Gratuitous Space Battles, but involving the droids from Droid Assault. You’d spend hours customising droids and armies, and then challenge people to a fight, and watch the battle. It’d have user-definable maps, and a challenge winnings system where you both put up $x to fight and winner takes all. And also possibly exotic parts, and salvage.

Cas :slight_smile:

Would you also be putting in a place a way for people to pay real money to get better items faster? That seems to be the popular thing to do now. I personally don’t mind that type of system as long as it doesn’t turn into you must pay to advance farther than other people.

Yep we’ll have that. I wouldn’t say “better” items necessarily… more “exotic”. And the items will be valued in game balance terms appropriately.

The idea is, you design an army of droids worth 10,000 points, and likewise your opponent. Then you place a bet on winning, like $1. To challenge you, the challenger must match that bet. The winner takes all. We’ll be making the game free to play, and free to challenge, and challenges can be for no money (ie. friendly).

Also you can pit an army of half the value against the enemy by only challenging for half the money. So a 5,000 point army could meet a $10 challenge from a 10,000 point army with only $5.

Cas :slight_smile:

Just make sure you actually never call it ‘money’ or ‘dollars’ ingame, just ‘points’ or some made up currency, otherwise you might get caught up in gambling laws and whatnot.

No chance of that - the game will be absolutely deterministic, in that for a given pair of armies in given starting positions on a given map, the outcome will always be identical.

Cas :slight_smile:

Would you also be able bet points that could help you upgrade? that seems like a cool idea. Or maybe have the two teams put up an item as the bet, and if they both agree, let them fight for it.