Report - "Denmark is happiest place in the world"

Anyone from Denmark on this board that can confirm this?!
I need to get me some happy :slight_smile:

No time to confirm, jumping around and singing songs…

hah - how cool is that
but yeah I think we’re pretty happy in general, no BIG issues really - cept a cartoon or two ::slight_smile:

Yeah, I can see that. They have alot of hot women in the Netherlands and the beer is really good. Two the things the states are short on…


[quote]and the beer is really good
and they have Laktritze!!! This stuff is awesome. Unless you become a Laktritze addict like me…

Try a Danish hotdog and you will know why the Danes are the happiest in the world :slight_smile:

Laktrize = licorice ;D

That was German arrogance speaking previously. What’s the Danish word for licorice anyway?

That’s fairly sexist. I don’t think the survey was of only men’s happiness! Unless of course, you meant hot women and beer make all people happy, in which case I retract my first statement…

Well, have you ever noticed that even women’s magazines are filled with pictures of hot women? ;D

[quote]Laktrize = licorice Grin

That was German arrogance speaking previously. What’s the Danish word for licorice anyway?
Lakrids. The d is silent.

Mmmmmm… lakrids… drools

No, you’re right it was sexist… intentionally so ;D

The studie is a little bit odd. How can ppl from US with such a president be happy? We in germany have doggy face Merkel…and be on place 35. US is on place 23.

Its very odd.

Cuz germans always are unhappy.
If we had nothing to be unhappy about we’d be unhappy about that.

Yea, thats right and sad :frowning:

We need some war were we can slaughter some ppl and join the US star force to eliberate anything and everything that is beyond good and evil. o_O

Americans will always be higher on a happy list than we “should” because long, long ago collectively, we have learned to be in denial.
Honestly, it’s part of our nation heritage and culture. And I couldn’t be happier about it! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :o ;D :smiley: :slight_smile: :-\

Woo! Yeah! Go USA! Woop Woop! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: ;D

I think I may have been here too long.


When I lived in Germany I used to tell my German girlfriend that ‘life is easy in Germany’. I mean come on, you don’t have to own an auto, you don’t have to worry about medical insurance, you don’t even really have to worry about having a job because they could live pretty damn well on government handouts. Consequently when you do have a job in Germany 50% of your pay goes to taxes.

Ask Kev about the necessity of owning a personal vehicle in the states. In the US you may not starve, but there’s not much of a social safety net either. So yeah, why are we so happy? ???

The one thing I’ve learnt so far about living here in the US is never to try and apply any rule across the whole of the states. Each individual state is like a independent european country (and the world would probably be a lot safer globally if they actually were).

In California you can’t live without a car - or at least having someone near by that has a car and can drive you places. However, social concious here and standard of living is extremely high (much higher than for instance in the UK). The medical care you get if you have no insurance is pretty good - and insurance costs are extremely low (again, especially compared to National Insurance contributions in the UK).

Personally I think CA is a wonderful place where alot of things are just right. However, I’m running back to the UK in a year or so - they’re all just too gosh darn ‘peppy’ round here.

Which is kinda my reply to this post. When the majority of people in a place are happy happy joy joy - sarcastic/cynical gits like me arn’t :slight_smile:

Have a nice day… ack.


… and some cities(like NY) have mass transit systems that let you live with out a car. (just proving your point)

We got a pretty good mass transportation system in Berlin but some are still unhappy… But generally I think that we Germans arent so unhappy … at least compared to as much as the media is trying to make us worry about everyting. Especially that crappy BILD magazine of us… Makes me wanna puke every time I see it or some poor guy reading it. :-X Naaah, but except that I am quite happy here. I just came back from a two years study exchange in China and with regard to that Germany certainly has its advantages (nice clubs, relatively well-tasting beer, free-speech, safe traffic, democracy :), open minded people, etc. ) I am not saying that I dislike China… I would love to go back one day but currently I enjoy the nice things at home. ok, true the taxes are out of bounds and the living costs are not exactly cheap either. I am doing fine though as a student sucking money from my parents ;D


PS: People I met in Asia often told me that they believe Germans are “generally concerned” but not exactely unhappy. Not sure what I prefer. Either I m a psycho with a serious anxiety disorder or an always depressed crybaby… ;D