Red Defense - Tower Defense Game

Hey JGO!
This is my first post in almost a year, I used to be active on here under a different name.

Today I’m here to show off my new game. (And maybe get some advice)


The game is called Red Defense, it’s a base-building tower defense game.

The game features a variety of weapons unlockable in the in-game shop, such as :

  • Napalm Turrets
  • Machine Guns
  • Barbed Wire
  • Minguns
  • Radiation Turrets
  • Flak Cannons
  • Laser Wire
  • Shotgun Towers
  • Cannons
  • Shotgun Cannons
  • Shotgun Flak Cannons
  • Incendiary Shotgun Flak Cannons
  • Laser Incendiary Shotgun Flak Cannons
    And more :slight_smile:

It has about 14 types of enemies.

I just released it on Steam greenlight, and people on there really seem to hate it (The comments are brutal). They mostly don’t like the art, I don’t really either but I’m not an artist.

Here is the link to the greenlight page :

The game was made with LibGDX, so a day after I realised how badly people on steam hated the game I decided to port it to Android and released it on the google play store.

Link :

Download For Desktop :

I don’t think anyone has bought it yet though. If you guys would like to try it out, here are some free promotional codes to play it for free :slight_smile:


Let me know what you think!

Edit :
I know I’m supposed to have an image for the showcase thread, but I dont remember how to use the [ img] tags. This is the link to the cover image :

To use the img tag, this is how you’d do.

The width and height attributes are optional.


After kixeye dropped support for their Desktop Defender and Desktop TD Defense games, I’ve been looking for a worthy similar TD game. I am trying this one out! :slight_smile:

I noticed somebody finally downloaded it :slight_smile:

Did you like it? I could use the feedback.

The game downloads and has its icon. But the name of the download is My libGDX game or whatever. Thats bad.

When in game, I don’t know what any of the buttons do. I don’t know what any of the upgrades do.
I don’t know what the difference between 5 priced wall is from 10 priced.

I start the shop with 5k gold. I can buy everything, but I can’t buy anything. When in game, nothing was purchased.

I feel the 50 tower is worthless, the 80 sniper tower is worthless, the 80 spray tower is great, and the 65 tower is the best to start out with - switching to the 80 spray tower.

I can’t move or sell anything.

The gui is too much. The touching is broken. Ill find myself picking up a tower from the shop to of actually picked up a wall -.- Maybe reduce the size of the shop and towers severely.

The two tap to pan is annoying. The two tap for control of tower is a neat addition. You need to add pinch to zoom, which should be easy. If not, zoom the game out, holy crap.

Wow, clearly it needs some work.
I really appreciate the feedback.
Do you think it’s worth continuing? Or should I ditch it and start something else?
I’ve gotten so much negative feedback about this game, not that I blame people.

The video concept looks pretty neat actually. Just needs a lick of paint and some polish.

Cas :slight_smile:

Thanks princec, I’ll keep working on it.

I pushed an update that fixes the shop bugs you described Hydro, thanks for letting me know about them. The update also fixes the “My Libgdx game” issue.

Keep the game, just refine it a bunch. You should of really >TESTED< the game out before you published it lol. (Give the APK to a friend, too)

Will you stop being an annoying dick about every project on this forum while you yourself have nothing to show that is better?


Two people bought the game yesterday, which is really exciting.
If one person per day buys it, it would be worth the work I think.

Okay, I downloaded your game from the AppStore but I could not launch it.
After debugging my phone i got this StackTrace

Device Specs:
Google Nexus 5X
Android 6.0.0 API 23 -1080x1920

 at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
 at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
 at android.os.Looper.loop(
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Caused by: com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Couldn't load shared library 'gdx' for target: Linux, 32-bit
 at com.badlogic.gdx.utils.SharedLibraryLoader.load(
 at com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxNativesLoader.load(
 ... 12 more
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: d|open failed: "/data/app/" has unexpected e_machine: 40
  at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(
  at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
  at com.badlogic.gdx.utils.SharedLibraryLoader.load(
 ... 14 more

I hope you will fix this soon, I really want to try it out :wink:

  • winspeednl

Shit, I have no idea how to fix that.
I really appreciate you downloading it and going to the trouble of debugging your phone for me, I’ll try to figure out what’s up.

Dialectical name comrade

I don’t know much of LibGDX but it looks like the export of your game got wrong.
Your game doesn’t support 32-bit arm proccessors.

It is missing a library called ‘’.

If you couldn’t fix it yourself consider going to the LibGDX forums

  • winspeednl

[quote]Dialectical name comrade
Thanks, I think haha
What does Dialectical mean?

His problem is not having the natives in the correct directory. I’m not having that problem. He could also have natives, but not ones compatible with certain devices. Idk about that last part.

I think I figured out how to fix it. I’ll test it out and post an update soon.
Out of the 5 people that bought the game so far, 2 returned it and maybe that’s why.