Red Defense - Tower Defense Game

How do I download it for windows?

Here is the download link :slight_smile:

If you had the time, @winspeednl if you could try the game again, I published a new apk into production that hopefully (fingers crossed) should work on 32 bit devices.

I’ve had 80% of the people that bought the game return it so far so I’m assuming the bug is really affecting a lot of devices (Or people just hate the game).

That’s a link to tramantula rising

Oops, yea it is.
Hold on, I’ll build a desktop version for ya

@ndnwarrior15 :

I DL’ed the desktop version and couldn’t get past the part where it said “click the turret to open its upgrade menu.” I clicked it and nothing happened…

Hi! I’ve tried desktop version on windows 8 and java 1.8.0_91 and works fine.

My 2 cents:

  • there are sound effects or music ? I see control but is not working
  • why enemies go straight to my hearth and don’t try to follow path I’m building ?
  • what upgrade does to my turrets ?

I think there is a bug after tutorial: if you try another game it’s working!


I have updated to the latest version but it still fails to run.

After debugging my phone I got this StackTrace.

Device Specs:
Google Nexus 5X
Android 6.0.0 API 23 -1080x1920

 at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)
 at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
 at android.os.Looper.loop(
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Caused by: com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Couldn't load shared library 'gdx' for target: Linux, 32-bit
 at com.badlogic.gdx.utils.SharedLibraryLoader.load(
 at com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxNativesLoader.load(
 ... 12 more
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: "/data/app/" has unexpected e_machine: 40
  at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(
  at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
  at com.badlogic.gdx.utils.SharedLibraryLoader.load(
 ... 14 more

After reading this StackTrace I could see you made some progress but still fails to load the game

Hi, one again!

After playing the Desktop version (which I like) It crashed.

Ubuntu 16.04
Intel I5 2500k
NVidia gtx 560ti


Starting Wave 17
Spawned 47 last wave.
Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.saucy.framework.util.pathfinding.PathfindingException: Pathfinding Exception!
	at com.saucy.framework.util.pathfinding.Pathfinder.findPath(
	at com.saucy.framework.util.pathfinding.Pathfinder.pathImpossibleAfterWallAddedAt(
	at com.saucy.framework.control.Application$2.update(
	at com.saucy.framework.control.GameLoop.tick(
	at com.saucy.framework.control.Application.render(
	at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication.mainLoop(
	at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$

It seems it has trouble with the pathfinding.

Hi :slight_smile:
I’ve been trying for the past 5 hours to fix the bug winspeednl reported with no luck.

First I found this person that said I should use Android Studio (I currently use eclipse) to fix the error.
But after spending 2 or 3 hours trying to get the project working in Android Studio I gave up. I had so many different errors, seemingly caused by dependency issues, I just couldnt get it to work.

So then I tried to reproduce the error in eclipse using a emulator. That took forever too. So many issues trying to even get stuff running.

Eventually I got the following emulator running :
Nexus 5X API 23 Android 6.0 usinng Google APIs armeabi-v7a
Which I think is close to the device you use?

Unfortunately the app seemed to work, it didnt crash with the error you got.

I’m so lost, not sure what to do next to fix this thing.

The second pathfinder bug you reported I knew about, I just havent got around to fixing yet.

I guess I should probably install some sort of crash monitor to see if crashes are the reason people are returning the game.

I really appreciate you trying the game and reporting those bugs, even if I’m having trouble fixing them

Hi TheMeatMan,

I tried it on GenyMotion and can’t get it to work.
What CPU do you have?
I have an Intel i5 CPU, but that shouldn’t be the problem because LibGDX supports Android x86 since 2013



I have a intel i7 skylake something or other and a 64 bit operating system

I’ve never heard of GenyMotion but I’m definitely going to try it.
I really appreciate all the trouble you’ve went through reporting this bug and making that video, I really think that it’s the reason 70% of people are returning the game, I’m going to spend another 5 hours today trying to fix it. I could really use the money from the app purchases, I just quit my job.

Maybe I need to udate my libgdx with the libgdx-gui?

Either way I’ll start work on this right now and try some stuff and get back to you if I find a way to get it to run on GenyMotion with a Android x86 emulator.

Since you have an intel to I don’t think that is the problem, it seems like Android x86 and LibGDX don’t like each other. (there are more problems with apps on Android x86)

There are some reasons I don’t use LibGDX
One of them is: it always doesn’t work on at least one platform :emo:

So I stopped using LibGDX and created my own (light) 2D game library called LibZ ;D
Currently I am creating a level based tower defense game using it

And soon I will start porting LibZ to Android (It bugs me that I don’t have an android phone myself) :’(
I will not say that you have to move away from LibGDX. But ask yourself do I really need all these features?

I really like the concept, maybe in the future it becomes more playable and less chaotic.

EDIT: after running the desktop version on Ubuntu I can’t hear any sound.

  • winspeednl

Sorry if I am annoying you, I just want to help :wink:

No, you’re not annoying me, I sincerely think without your help I never would have found out the game didn’t work on 32 bit android devices, I’m so glad you said something to me : )!

I just spent the last 8 hours doing everything under the sun to try to get this fixed and I think I might finally have it fixed!

Also; yea there is no sound, unfortunately. The game does have a lot of issues.

I’m going to upload a update as soon as I’m sure everything is all good and if you would be willing to try it one last time I would be incredibly grateful

@winspeednl Here’s a link if you’d be willing to try the game on your Nexus it would a huge help to me, I really think I fixed it this time

Please don’t forget, that LibGDX is in development since quite some time and has a pretty big (contributing) community.
So if you create your own library, because you faced problems using LibGDX, you will definitly face the same (or worse) problems with your own library,
just because your library is a One-Man-Show.
So i wouldn’t start creating a library/framework/engine, just because I am having problems with an existing and widespread library/framework/engine.
Instead I would try asking for a solution in their forums or something similar.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with writing your own framework.
You can gain a lot of experience with it.
But you can be (more or less) sure, that it won’t compete with those other, widespread frameworks.

Making my own library gives me more freedom, I could focus my library on the part I need and I don’t have much unused stuff.
Also the ‘I made this.’ feeling satisfies me. I don’t have any problems with third-party licenses since I wrote it all myself.

The type of game @TheMeatMan is making i recomend using a lighter-weight library (or even write it yourself).
I am creating a simular type of game and I know LibGDX has alot more features than needed.
If you don’t have much experience you should stick to an premade library such as JME, LibGDX or LibZ.

  • winspeednl


I’ve downloaded your .APK and could confirm that it is working on Android x86. ;D

One note though:

Considering adding a default turret in cases like this.

Keep it up! :wink:

  • winspeednl

Oh my god yess!!!
Dude I’m so happy that it worked, thank you so much!
I’ve been checking this thread like compulsively hoping you’d say that!!

Yea I’m not sure why there is no turret there, I’ll fix that asap

EDIT 2 :
Thanks for mentioning the shop error where there are no turrets! Without you, I never would have known about it. You’re a huge lifesaver. I uploaded a fix to Google Play : )

Haha no problem, keep it up!
I will continue to play this game. Reporting any errors that occur until this is a good game.

Also consider making better icons (If you want to I have some for you!).

  • winspeednl

I’ve been ghosting. I’ve been updating, but I haven’t tried it yet.

Turning it on…
Shop is empty cuz I bought everything already…
Ooh main menu button overlayed on top of text “Shop”…
Pressed play…
Oooh shop was minimized…
Oh crap why can’t I place my tower I keep placing a wall…
Right the drag glitch thing…

Well hope that helps.