Random JVM crashes (no JNI) --- wrong subforum... remove


I have a J2SE application that is running the server for my game. It runs on a Linux box that is getting a number of various JVM crashes. The program has no JNI and does not use any libraries, it’s all just Java. The call stacks are always different, and I don’t see any consistency in what is happening in the application when the JVM crashes. It does however always seem to be a SIGSEGV. Sometimes they happen after 2 minutes of uptime, sometimes after days.

I tried upgrading the JVM from 6.0_27-b07 to 7.0_06-b24 but it has made no difference. I uploaded all the hs_err logs here: http://www.tacticstudios.com/downloads/logs.rar if you would like to take a look.

Due to the inconsistent call stacks my only assumption is that memory is getting corrupted in some way, and the crash is occurring later on. Maybe it is a hardware problem? I’m not certain what would cause this.

Any assistance you can provide in how to debug this, or any ideas would be extremely appreciated. Here is the most recent log: http://pastebin.java-gaming.org/cfa70551363


EDIT: This was put in the wrong forum… I guess I had multiple windows open. Meant to be under “Newbie” questions… Posting over there. Please delete!