Preferred OS?

The title says it all. Lion or Windows 7, or Linux? Or something else?

Windows 7, I don’t use Lion enough to comment on it. I have never used Linux, what kind of advantages does it have?

windows 7,

I have used linux quite a bit and maybe the computer I used sucks, but I just found it to be a little clunky (this was ubuntu). that being said though, it still is a lot easier to do certain things on (apache server for example).

I prefer Windows 7. I probably won’t be upgrading to Windows 8.


Well, Linux is open source. It gets even less viruses than Macs. And it’s pretty cheap.

Windows 8 is…weird. Colored tiles? ???

Just to clarify, Linux is an open-source Kernel that a number of OSes are based on (such as Ubuntu, Red Hat, Mint, etc.). The only reason that I know of that Linux-based OSes get less viruses is that they have a lower market share making them smaller targets. Also, for a while at least, most Linux users were stereotyped as more knowledgeable about computers. However most of the big Linux OSes are moving away from that stereotype by making their OS easier to install and more user friendly.

My preferred OS is Ubuntu but my main OS is Windows 7. If more of the games I play were supported on Ubuntu I’d have switched to it as my main OS long ago. I’m hoping that Valve bringing Steam support to Linux will kick start a move towards Linux support in the game industry. Unfortunately one of the obstacles to porting games to Linux is that there isn’t any support for DirectX since it’s owned by M$. Mac OS X Lion isn’t bad.


Which version of Ubuntu?

Windows 8 == Windows Vista. It’s M$'s tick-tock cycle. If you ask me Windows 8 would’ve flopped, regardless of the whole colorful tile, desktop and tablet combined thing they’re trying to do, simply because a lot of companies/businesses are just now upgrading from WinXP to Win7. Now that support for WinXP is close to running out people are being forced to upgrade and it’s just not worth it to wait for Win8 and there is even less reason to upgrade from Win7 to Win8.

Win7 for my games, Fedora KDE Spin for getting work done.

I’m also not keen on upgrading to Win8 right away, I’ll stick with Win7. Metro is nice enough, but I just don’t see the value in having the entire PC desktop based on it.

I hate them all. Might hate MacOS a bit more than the others. Not sure.

Cas :slight_smile:

I’ve been using windows since my first computer (12-13 years… and I’m only 19 :smiley: ) , but a few days ago due to some problems with my laptop(it’s 4-5 years old T_T) I formatted it and installed Ubuntu 12.04 and all I can say is: I Love it! :smiley: It’s a great OS for programmers! But I’m also a musician and I miss some programs of windows(Ableton Live) And the major fail: drivers for hardware. I have a sound card that I’ve recently bought and I can’t use it because there are no drivers for Linux T_T


-Windows for music edition and also gaming.
-Linux for programming.

And because I can’t choose between music or programming, my preferred OS it’s still Windows!

white toaster or blue toaster? Whichever one the piece of bread I have fits in. Toaster breaks? I throw that one away and get a new one.

Cas :slight_smile:

Linux is only free if you value your time as worthless.

As a gamer I value Windows 7 (a lot, Microsoft did it right this time around). As a tech geek I value Linux. I like an OS where out of the box you can just start developing away in a myriad of environments. But all these years of working with Windows has turned me into a GUI addict and that is the one thing that Linux fails to satisfy for me. I don’t like either Gnome or KDE; no matter how configurable the look & feel just… blows.

I’ve long been hesitant towards MacOS, but I wouldn’t mind giving a more recent release a spin since now even Microsoft seems to agree that Apple had it right when it comes to UI design. If only Apple wouldn’t charge an arm and a leg for their gear :slight_smile:

Personally these days my computer use is mostly in the browser (Chrome, Firefox) or with Eclipse, as long as the underlying OS stays out of my way it doesn’t really matter which modern OS I’m on (Win, Linux, Mac) the end user experience feels pretty much the same to me.

I used to be a Windows user. Then I tried Mac OS… :slight_smile:

I agree with Kappa on this. These days I spend most of my time in a browser and eclipse. Linux, Mac OS or Windows let me do that just fine. The key thing I want is for it to work and not have to spend any time fixing problems.

Having said that I currently use Ubuntu.

Its just Metro, you can use Windows 8 just like normal, like the other ones
of course, since Microsoft releases crappy products they focused on polished turds / on graphics instead of functionality and kernel
well its also for commercial reasons, as stupid users dont know which software is BETTER the only SEE how it LOOKS
its sad =)

Well, at least the startup is quick.

true, I did hear that…
well windows 8 also needs fewer resources. all performance upgrades are nice
Well, at least the startup is quick.