Polygon spaceships art style?

How should I make attractive graphics for my polygon spaceships? I’m letting the user draw their own polygons, which may be spiky, square shaped, whatever, but how should the graphics style be? I’ve already thought about neon vector graphics, but that’s just plain boring. Any suggestions?

EDIT: I meant for mainly 2D top view…

Maybe just go for a simply-colored, typical “low-poly” design? I do not know if it has any kind of proper name, since I’ve always seen it referred to as “low-poly art,” but it looks something like the following stuff, using similar flat colors and dramatic lighting.

Make each polygon part of the ship a similar color (like the last bird picture).


Elsealabs, I really do like the look of low-poly, but I edited the post(I meant for 2D top view), such as how to improve the looks of

In theory you should only have triangles. If you want to draw a polygon then you pick a centre point and then draw triangles around it.

Actually, all I really care about is the outline, so it’s just an array of points that are connected by line segments.

So, line art?

If you’re going with low poly models, make sure that when you do the lighting you do it pervertex so you don’t get the interpolated normals (which would happen in fragment shader).
Edit: Went full retard and didn’t read the posts after the first couple. Yeah if you’re doing 2D there’s not much I have to offer, sorry.