I’ve been working on a tutorial on how to use, as a way to teach myself about it. I’m still learning and experimenting myself about this.
The last section that I’ve gotten to starts to describe the types of modulations you are asking about, but for a vertical gradient, not a radial or an island shape so much. (The “Terra Map” section deals a bit with islands.)
In brief, I think you need to combine the randomizing effect of the noise with another equation or functions that makes the core shape you are going for.
For the radial effect, for example, lets say you have a function that goes from 1 in the center to 0 at the radius. Have these numbers “modulated” (Perlin’s term) by the noise via addition would be a solution. It the noise ranges from -0.25 to 0.25, and you use a min and max to stay within 0 to 1, adding will create a randomized field of values, also from 0 to 1 but with a fair bit of randomness in the transition.
Then, of course, you make the 0 to 1 values map to your colors, etc.
Here is a graphic that has my first attempts at this. I’m looking forward to taking the time to nail that solar flare example from Perlin’s slide show, and the animation of it.
I should try drawing a black circle over it…
This next link is an animation of the flames that is in the tutorial segment I am currently working on. It kinda works. Like I said, I’m new to this, too.
If you have a specific island shape in mind, you can work off of that, or I guess it is also possible to generate random “islands” by using the noise and clipping the output in some fashion or another. For example, the output is -1 to 1, and lets say you get a good island if you used only the values above 0.7. Add an operation like this:
if (noiseVal < 0.7) noiseVal = -1;
And then use other scaled amounts of noise to modulate those island values again with some sort of clipping to eliminate modulation of the ocean areas.
That is just an idea off of the top of my head. There are probably other was as well to get the results you want. If you have a good grip on how the numbers are generated and used, you can make them do all sorts of shapes. I try to make this all clear in the tutorial.
And if the tutorial text isn’t clear, I’d sure appreciate feedback for improvements!
I’m also thinking of further development of the tool and open sourcing it, so that the “visualizer” portion can be used to generate useable code.