Perlin noise questions

I see that you already got some really nice smoke clouds. Even if they look quite nice how they are some lighting can improve the visuals dramaticly. Think about a rocket going threw a cloud and illuminating it from within.

here is a nice paper about smoke rendering, just how to lighten smoke not so much how to create the shape.

The presentation is quite easy to understand and has some usefull tipps.
On the second last slide it is shown how to create a smoke volumn with a modeling tool and photoshop, the same can be done in realtime of course :wink:

ps: thinking about old times, lets see if I can put together a quick demo

Thank you, it makes some things more clear, but these psychics are applying on small scale clouds.
The clouds trough the universe would be less influenced by any light sources.
But this is something cool to experiment with using the sun as light source on these clouds.

I even understood everything :slight_smile:
Very good paper…

I did some experiments with fake back lighting / scatter on 2d clouds ages ago that turned out really well:

This is mostly just a bit of fancy (offline) pre-processing and a simple shader to do the lighting, which makes it really fast. I think it ended up looking a whole lot better than the more traditional approach of trying to generate the normal map of the composite sprites at runtime.