I can’t seem to figure out what’s going wrong here.
Everybody who’s tested Stencyl so far (50 or so people), and that includes a 500 MHz/128 MB/integrated video setup, has gotten maximum framerates. Then comes along someone with a 1.6 GHz/1 GB/256 MB ATI Mobility Radeon X600, and he gets poor framerates, and it jumps all over the place no matter whether he’s using J2D or LWJGL.
To give a sense of what framerates we’re talking about, normal framerates in Java2D mode are in the 100 FPS range (locked to that), and in LWJGL, it’s vsynced, so it’s 60 FPS and up. This user is getting 30-60 FPS in both modes, and it’s all jerky/unplayable.
He has no other programs open, and he just reinstalled the latest drivers last night with no change. What else could go wrong?