Pathfinding efficiency

I have implemented an A* algorithm into my game and I am having a few issues with it.

At first I was using calculate method that would take the start position and end position, which would jump into a while loop while searching, locking up my game for about 5-6 seconds. I then split it into 2 methods, one that sets the start and end positions, sets up the open and closed list. Then an update method that runs in the entity update method that only runs when a boolean is set, such as

boolean needsPath;

This works about 75% of the time, other times it completely deadlocks my game and crashes it, however when I press the key to initialize the pathfinder and move my entity, it takes about 5 seconds to actually move.

It is exactly 47 tiles to my destination, this means it checks 188 nodes as it checks in 4 compass directions, N, E, W, S.

Here is my pathfinder:

	public Path calculatePath(int startX, int startY, int destX, int destY) {

		map.setStart(startX, startY);
		map.setDestination(destX, destY);

		/* Check if the destination is passable, if not, just return null */
		if (!(map.getNode(destX, destY)).isPassable) {
			return null;

		/* Set the distance from start at 0, we have not moved yet */
		 * We need to clear our arrays before calculating a new path, if we
		 * don't it will be all fucked up
		/* Add our start node to the open list */

		 * Basically while our open array has objects, we obviously have not
		 * found our path to destination yet
		while (open.size != 0) {
			/* Get the first node in our open list */
			Node current = open.first();

			 * If the current node position is the same as the dest position, we
			 * must be done calculating the path
			if ((current.getPosition().x == map.getDestPos().x)
					&& (current.getPosition().y == map.getDestPos().y)) {
				return recreate(current);

			 * Remove the current node from the open list, it has already been
			 * searched
			open.removeValue(current, true);
			/* Add it to the closed list */

			for (Node neighbour : current.getNeighbours()) {
				boolean neighbourShorter;

				 * If this node is in the closed list we have already searched
				 * it, move on
				if (closed.contains(neighbour, true))

				 * If the node is not passable, E.g a wall, just move on and
				 * keep looking
				if (!neighbour.isPassable) {
				} else {

					/* calculate the neighbours distance from the start point */
					float neighbourDistanceFromStart = (current
							.getDistanceFromStart() + map.compareNodeDistance(
							current, neighbour));

					/* Add our neighbour to the open list if not already there */
					if (!open.contains(neighbour, true)) {
						neighbourShorter = true;

						 * if the neighbour is closer to the start, path is
						 * still shorter
					} else if (neighbourDistanceFromStart < current
							.getDistanceFromStart()) {
						neighbourShorter = true;
					} else {
						neighbourShorter = false;

					/* If the neighour is the shortest path, use that node */
					if (neighbourShorter) {
						 * Set the neighbours previous node to the one we are
						 * currently on
										(int) neighbour.getPosition().x,
										(int) neighbour.getPosition().y,
										(int) map.getDestPos().x,
										(int) map.getDestPos().y));



		return null;


It uses an exact heuristical method, as in tiles do not have move values as such. Instead it calculates the distance from the current node to the end node using a straight line, this is shitty atm and seems to result in my pathfinder “hugging” walls at points in the journey. Any idea how I can improve this? Should I just move over to the manhatten method and give nodes hardcoded values, this should simplify the math.