[quote]Could the LWJGL guys point to specific code lifting?
I spot checked the source for al4java and LWJGL OpenAL and I didn’t see any code that looked lifted.
Well, all error checking is removed, several files are collapsed into a single file etc - it seems to have been a phenomenal amount of work? ??? More likely that he’d been working on the same project and used LWJGL to finish a few bits off. However, with that said, here’s a good example for you:
From al4java_AL.c:
* This function Enables a feature of the OpenAL driver.
* C Specification
* ALvoid alHint(ALenum target, ALenum mode);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_al4java_AL_alHint (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint target, jint mode) {
//alHint((ALint)target, (ALint)mode);
//cannot link with above statement
From org_lwjgl_openal_CoreAL.cpp:
* This function Enables a feature of the OpenAL driver.
* C Specification
* ALvoid alHint(ALenum target, ALenum mode);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_openal_CoreAL_hint (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint target, jint mode) {
//alHint((ALint)target, (ALint)mode);
//cannot link with above statement
When one library is comment-compatible with another, there’s something funny going on! ;D