Old 3d graphics

100% yes less = more imo. I think what you said it something I find true of many blurry old textures.

Corvid, out of interest which look do you prefer? It was an attempt to create a Resident Evil like game, uses fixed camera positions but not pre-rendered backgrounds. There is nothing to do bar walk around and press light switches and a few other buttons. Kind of re-making it with a different twist, havn’t made any playable versions

The PS1 had terrible vertex precision, a low-bit depth buffer, and it didn’t render 3d like openGL does today. If you tried to access a PS1 games “3d” pipeline you will only receive a 2d quad rendered to the screen :slight_smile: Also, PS1 games seemed to use more frame-based animation instead of bone-skinning (though I can’t speak for all games).

That, and almost all visual effects were done via textures. Most games couldn’t afford shaders; things like lights/shadows were pre-rendered onto textures.

I personally think art was better back in the PS1 era. Artists were so limited by resources, that they had to jam quite a high amount detail into a limited space.

Absolute good read about PS1 stuff and crash bandicoot.

Yeah i heard that too. I mean the PSone had 3 mb of RAM :expressionless: