Night Squad 2
I was asked to post this here, so …

As part of my thesis I developed a Multiplayer First Person Shooter for casual gamers. It can be played here:

There is also a short video clip here.

Any feedback welcome, of course.

Update: If there is nobody online, you can use Deathmatch mode to test the game.

edit: fixed broken images. kapta

Very impressed by the game!
Looks great, performs just as great.

As an RTCW:ET player, I think that there is a tad too much bunny hopping going on ::slight_smile:

I assume that the thesis is the reason for not using JME or Xith?
The same goes for not using get-down?

Curious way of obfuscating classes :wink:

It seems interesting but I got this:

java.lang.Exception: Windows is required to play the game!
at Main.init(

Java is cross-platform, LWJGL too. It is really stupid to punish Mac and Linux users! The game seems very beautiful and very consistent but if it works only under Windows, please don’t use Java. I’m really disappointed and angry! Please tell me why you allow only the Windows users to play with your game. I hope it is only a temporary limitation.

Yes, I wanted to learn how to create a game engine. You don’t learn much if you use a finished product. Plus, when you’re using some third party engine, you might get into trouble at some point if you realize that the engine is not offering a feature that you need to go on.

I used to use Java Webstart. Unfortunately it turned out to be buggy, so I wrote my own installer. Webstart is still used with IE on Vista, because of the browsers sandbox. However, I’m not very happy with the current solution. When I have time, I’ll see what get-down can do. Thanks for the tip.

While I would like to play on my Mac, I think you are overreacting just a bit. No need to be angry and I am glad he did this in Java! Keep it up! If there is a reason why it won’t work on Mac/Linux, let’s help him instead of lashing out.


About 5% of the game is written in native code + it uses ODE. Theoretically, it would be possible to compile it for Linux and Mac too, but it’s just not worth the effort considering the market share. If I had to compile and test the code on Linux and Mac each update, I would need three times as long for each release. Aside from that, I don’t even own a Mac.

I understand that you are not happy to hear this. I’d love to add support for Linux or Mac if I had the time, but I just don’t think it would pay off.

PS: Why are Windows users not allowed to use Java? Java is a great language aside from being cross-platform.

Market share wise it might well be worth supporting OSX.


That’s one of major reasons why I’ve created JBullet (Java port of Bullet Physics Library). Also I like Bullet for it’s active development which is very promising.

Nothing wrong, just that when something is in Java, users expect that the app is multiplatform :slight_smile: Nothing wrong with supporting only one platform, just mark it in beginning that it’s just for Windows. But because you use Java/LWJGL, the support for other platforms is usually little or no step, so it’s pity not to do it.

I agree with you and I heard about a binding of ODE in Java, it is called ODEjava, isn’t it?

Full Windows platform-dependent gaming in Java dirties Java on my view. It is extremely frustrating. I’m not overreacting.

You aim only the market share… I find it miserable >:(

Well, looking at your signature, it’s obvious that you will only see it this way. I told you the reasons. It’s not a religious thing. Please don’t let this thread become another one of those pointless Windows vs. Linux discussions. I’m not going to comment on this any further.

gouessej, for **** sake. Stop whining.

Somebody comes along to showcase his project he has been working on for who knows how long. It’s not like he owe’s you one. This was a school project, have you got any clue how hard it is to work with tight deadlines? You should know with your own projects that are in progress for years now. Sure, you can support each and every platform, but getting a game to work at both your and your teachers computer is hard enough.

Again: stop whining, you are overreacting, give the guy some respect.

I played the game for a bit, and I really like the details you managed to squeeze in like the lightning.

How did you get the ground-shadow of the buildings in there? Prerendered into a texture, calculated at runtime, or projecting in realtime?

Are there dynamic objects in the world? (breakable/movable stuff)

Static shadows are just prerendered lightmaps. Dynamic shadows are shadow maps.

Not realy, just the enemies :slight_smile:

Wow. Gouessej, this just has to stop. You have crossed from being a Java supporter to being abusive to a brand new community member. If there are real technical issues that need to be addressed, let’s address them. If he has a pain point that prevents him from supporting more than Windows, let’s help, not be so abrasive. It does not “dirty” Java in the slightest as his solution is using additional solutions tied to Java. And it’s his project, so he can do what he wants.

Now, n.o.p., where the HELL have you been hiding!?!?!?!?! :):):slight_smile: The game looks FANTASTIC! and I am going to continue to show this off, if you are cool with my doing so. GREAT WORK! Now, perhaps the community can, calmly, help examine how to do a port that works on OSX at least?

Cheers and congrats on a great looking and playing game!

Very impressive work. I love the way it has a very counter-strike feel to it. As for some feedback I must say you have a blazing fast server that really did max out my connection. However I still think the download of 80mb is a little on the heavy side for a game thats launched from the browser, if you could hit somewhere around the 10-30mb mark it would be pretty awesome. Understandably the game has a lot of resources which are needed for a good game experience and add to the game size. I am unsure to what methods you use but optimisations like better compression format (lzma?) and/or pack200 etc can save you quiet a bit. Further tweaking with tools like proguard can help remove any unused code.

Also using certain texture and sound formats tga/png/jpg/ogg/etc might help save more. Some of the textures and sounds are pretty high quality and you could probably get away with shaving a bit more off the quality without anyone noticing much.

Keep up the good work.

Hmm ok feeling a bit stupid right now but how do I start a game with just myself in it so I can go run around?

I made a new group, said ok, and clicked start, and then I get stuck at a screen where it lists a leaderboard and only I’m there, status’ed as “Waits for next round…”

I wanna plaaay. Help? :slight_smile:

I might just run this on my laptop at the same time so I can make a dummy player 2 if I can’t figure out what else to do. This looks really cool so far.

Yeah, I didn’t have a chance to test it too, because nobody other was online.

It looks very polished, how long you’ve been working on it? How many people?

Just curious, what else than ODE and some installer stuff is needed to be done or is better in native code? While working on my game, the only thing that was native (other than LWJGL of course) was Bullet, which I ported to Java.

First of all, don’t forget that I said that his game is beautiful and consistent…
Secondly, don’t forget that he spoke about ODE and I suggested to use ODEJava, I’m not whining, I tried to help even though I’m very angry. Your accusations are partly false.
Thirdly, why only at least OSX? You defend your own interest. Why OSX more than Linux? For the market share? >:(
Finally, if someone made a 3D Java game so convincing but working only under Linux, you would all be angry and you would all be really whining. Therefore, please, stop criticizing my behavior and try to imagine how you would react in the case I’ve spoken about. I won’t turn this thread into a Windows versus Linux thread. I denounce the attitude of thinking that there is only Windows in the world but the author explained why he supports only Windows, that’s why I spoke about ODEJava. If this interesting game works one day under Mac OSX and Linux, then I will be happy to suggest his author to add it into the Java™ Game Tome.

[quote]if someone made a 3D Java game so convincing but working only under Linux, you would all be angry and you would all be really whining.
Uh no. Even if it only worked in… Solaris!

Looks great, but i couldn’t play it, because nobody was online. A kind of exploration mode would be nice. I tried to watch the video instead but it drives me crazy, i really can’t stand watching it. It’s all about jumping, zooming, zooming, jumping, zooming…i got sick while watching it (no joke… :’( ).