NewsFlash - Winner

The Prize goes to Super Elvis :slight_smile:
Congrats Caz.

  • Side note, the Phantom console will support Java
  • Side note 2, Looking Glass opensourced during general session.

Watch the stream (when its up)

Any other winners listed??

Chris looked a bit rushed, he just had time to mention the winner and show Java Quake runnning :slight_smile: at 300 fps.

Hm, my bet was on AlienFlux … but at least I have been nearby … :slight_smile:

There’s an article about the Keynote, but does not have the winners list.
Does have an interesting take on the Java Quake demo, the media called it
“an experimental game called Square Heads”
when in fact, the group that mdid the port is called SquareHeads.
Anywho here’s the link:

Wonder when we will se something more official… - wouldn’t want to pimp LWJGL prematurely :wink:

Where do we see this, I’m looking all over the sun news site and stuff and not finding it. Got a link?

It was announced at JavaOne, although I haven’t seen anything posted. I have a friend there who confirmed Super Elvis (nice work, Cas!), but nothing was said about other winners yet.

I have placed a link to the webcasts/streams on the first post.

Just be patient … I’m sure Chris will logon soon and tell us…


Bout time to… but what you going to do with your prize?


Many congrats to Cas. One of our earliest and most hard working members of the Game Community.

What I personally find even more impressive is that this is game that won on quality of gameplay. If you haven’t played it, try it. We’ve already got multiple addicts at Sun :slight_smile:

Jeff Kesselman


I can’t really believe it. Gameplay win bodes well - might even make a few sales this time!

I’m going to go and get some pikey champagne to celebrate.

Cas :slight_smile:

Just learn from the non-super Elvis and dont party too hard. We need a sequel…

Thanks to all who participated! We will announce the other winners on the front of Java.Net ASAP, but we are demoing at JavaOne and am frazzled! ( I have to finish my slide deck for a presentation in 20 min. :slight_smile: )

Congrats to Cas for another addictive and well done game :slight_smile:



Congrat Cas !!!


Congratulations, Cas!

Congratulations Cas! ;D

Hey, don’t forget Chaz and Brendan and Mike too!

Cas :slight_smile:

Lets hear it for Chaz,Brendan and Mike