Well, agree, why didn’t u do it in C++? I programmed a game in C++ with SDL and OpenGL and I have got to say, after getting familiar with it it wasn’t the worst experience… I would still have been programming that game in C++ if I didn’t hate C++ because of the most weird error in my life… I made a Socket-class, so the game could be compiled for linux as for windows, and it was all working good, in eclipse… If I exported my client, have a server running on my pc, and opened the client, only the first message from the client came by the server… The server nor the client didnt get any messages after that… Posted the stuff on stackoverflow, but this is a freakin weird ‘bug’…
So yeah, I turned back to Java, platform-independent, and now I use libGDX its even more platform-independent And I like it! Also, no pointers, headers and all that freakin nonsense. Just Java… But well, C++ is not that bad, if I am going to make a trainer, I will make thankfully use of C++