
[quote]Minecraft: Makes children sex slaves and destroys our economy!


Crazy religious people are up to it again…

Well, the first few paragraphs (browse to the first post in that thread…) could actually have been written by some damaged mind, but just take a moment to read these lines:

[quote]Minecraft learns children that you can create your own tools by combining ingredients instead of the American way of ordering online of going to Wallmart. It learns children they can farm their own food instead of learning them the American way of going to McDonalds for that. It learns them to waste huge amounts of time on making their own buildings, instead of the way of buying a house with borrowed money! It teaches children to be creative, instead of watching commercials on television! All this clearly damages and ultimately destroys the American economy! It can be no coincidence that this game was created while Obama is in office!
It’s so obvious he’s joking / trolling.

The replies are worrying though…

Actually, judging from his own replies, he seemed to be serious. :persecutioncomplex:

[quote]Actually, judging from his own replies, he seemed to be serious.
I pointed to the wrong page. Look at page 1. The whole thing is serious, it seems people are getting banned from arguing against it.

Loool! More publicity! Interestingly there’s what looks like a screenshot of the (as yet unrealeased) halloween update - where’d they get that from?

@Riven you didn’t post the rest;

[quote]I’ll skip the obvious flaws in grammar and get straight to the point.
Is the American way REALLY God’s way? Didn’t Jesus make his own tools? Didn’t our forefathers farm their own food instead of going to McDonalds? Don’t we build our own buildings? Or did god poof your house to where it is now?? Why can’t our children be creative? Because you can’t control your children’s creativity? Because you’re afraid your children are smarter than you are? Because I hope to god for their sake they are. You sir, have a few things to learn. Maybe it’s just because I was raised in a southern baptist church and am now a computer science major, but I see NOTHING WRONG with Minecraft.

You guys know that Landover Baptist is one big parody site, right? ::slight_smile:

lol, I was about to say. How the f*** did minecraft get attention from teachers of religeous law.

but then again the FACT!!! still remains that minecraft is not a game, but rather a tech demo, this false advertising should constitute as evil!!!

[quote]You guys know that Landover Baptist is one big parody site, right?
I do now :stuck_out_tongue:
Which I’m glad…

Haha… they are funny. I almost believed it, excellent satire.

[quote]When I was a kid growing up in New York every day we kids would play wonderfull games, stick ball, kick the can, hide and seek and my all time favorite catch a nigra and make him wet himself. […] We grew up OK.

The social impact that Minecraft is having is quite astonishing. A member of the rllmuk forums recently passed away, so they’re erecting a memorial in their server. Similarly, the server that he usually played on is preserving all his structures.

I’ve got a lump in my throat as it is, I can only imagine that for Markus seeing a silly game that he threw together be used in such a fashion is profoundly humbling.

Congratulations again Markus, I think Minecraft has just transcended the category of games.

I’m a tutorial teacher in finance at uni, and I was asking some students in class about what societies they’re part of, just out of curiosity.

So one guy is part of EGG (Electronic Game Guild) and apparently they generally play console games. But he said that they now have computers too, because of “some game called minecraft”!!! Wow, that was weird, internet javagaming forum stuff coming into my reality!

Shows how popluar the game is. This student in my class knew all about markus too, from his paypal account suspension to how he lives in scandinavia! Markus is a celebrity!

I thought he lived in Sweden?

scandinavia is the collection of sweden, finland, norway, and denmark (and maybe others). Its like benelux :wink:

however it is usually reffered to as “being scandanavian”

I live in Denmark… We never say anything else than “Scandinavia”, and is only when talking about the northern region of Europe. :slight_smile:
I never actually heard anyone say “being Scandinavian” before now… Maybe that is because it would be “Scandinavisk” which does not make much sence :persecutioncomplex: to me… at least…

Does anyone know a tool like INVEdit, but written in Java? I have a huge building project going on ::slight_smile:

Wow. I feel retarded.

Me aswell. And I’m from denmark :smiley: Never heard anyone say “to be scandinavian”, because that sounds stupid in both Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian. At least that is what I think :stuck_out_tongue:

Markus Persson, I’d like to express my congratulations to you and your masterstroke “Minecraft”.

You’ve reached what most (all?) of us current-/ ex-/ hobby- “independent Java game developers” never reached: A decent Java game which the whole computer world talks about … and actually plays!
Is it a kind of new Tetris, this time From Sweden with Love ? :slight_smile:

Amazing, and I am impressed. You’re kind of our hero.

P.S. Is Markus the very first self-made millionaire amongst the Java game developers? Superb!

P.P.S. We could make a list: “Decent trailers / videos about Minecraft”. My current favourite is this one because the video sequences and music interact well: Minecraft Fanmade Trailer by Vareide, uploaded 19th September 2010 and viewed since then nearly one million times. Unbelievable!

Fan made flash movie for minecraft here.

The prospect of mining diamonds whilst on the bus was too enticing to wait, so I made a feasibility test of minecraft level rendering for android. It seems to work pretty well , 30ish fps aboveground, and over 60 in tunnels, just using vertex arrays and un-JITted java. Even with the added expense of running the actual game bits, I reckon that’ll be perfectly playable.
The Galaxy S is ridiculously powerful though, the outlook may not be so rosy on other devices.

One more thing for the hordes to moan at Markus for not immediately implementing exactly as they think it should be. Sorry!

How did you get the code to draw all this stuff?