
hehe, I wasn’t going to post until I say the above, “what I am I supposed to dos…”

I’m thinking it is basically like watching lemmings on the TV. It is somehow fascinating to see masses of mindless creatures suicide. There was also something entertaining about their frenetic energy.


There’s no actual gameplay yet. What you’re playing there is “creative mode” where you just build a world.
EgonOlsen: If you press “f” three times, you should get better FPS. I get 50 on my eee that way.

I’m very very impressed. Also, it runs smoothly at 300-700fps on my 4 year old machine (AMD Athlon 64 2.2ghz with 7600GT).

The water wasn’t there when I was playing it yesterday, unless I was being stupid. There was a blue sky all around the level, and if I mined through the bottom I would fall into oblivion. No water flowed around like in the video.

How small can you make the squares before performance generally gets too bad?

What major optomisations did you do, and are there any that you are planning? (I’m really interested in destructible terrain)

Ok, found the ‘f’ key trick (you could tie the render depth to fps & guarantee a minimum useable framerate).

First impressions: Love it. Looks good, plays nicely, fun to tunnel & fun to build things!

Few suggestions;
‘fly’ mode for construction - can be hard to add blocks just where you want, when you’re standing on the ground.
‘click & hold’ for tunnelling - clicking finger goes numb when digging long tunnels!
sloped tiles to smooth the landscape - but I guess you’d have done this already if it was that easy…
Water seems to get ‘stuck’ sometimes - maybe convert a newly destroyed block to water if it has adjacent water?

Niggles aside it’s pretty impressive! What do you have in mind for gameplay?

Hehe, I love the simplistic pixel-art style blocks. Pretty damn fun, my major suggestion would be to be able to build off of ledges instead of just from the the ground up, so you can make bridges easier >:D

Also about there being “no gameplay” I have to say, there is! haha, it’s quite fun to just build in it :stuck_out_tongue:

Whenever I hit 6… a weird… bush appears? :open_mouth:

Gameplay is going to be split up into several modes.

Build stuff. You can spawn blocks (any blocks) from thin air, and remove any block instantaneously.
No health, and you can’t die.
Play either single player or cooperatively.
(This is basically what the game is now)

You need to gather resources to be able to use them. There’s a simple inventory, and a health bar. Blocky critters roam the land and want to hurt you. Eating food replenishes health.
Play either single player or cooperatively.

Team survival:
Same as survival, except you’re divided into two teams who try to kill each other

You and your friends build a fortress in creative or survival mode, then face off against another team’s fortress. Gameplay will probably be capture the flag.

Sounds like a lot of fun, building a fortress would be great. I assume there’s going to be guns? 8)

What a challenge - a 3D destructible terrain networked game! Well you’re 2/3 of the way there. It would be very impressive to see it networked!

no guns. :smiley:
Melee and possibly bow and arrow.

btw, you can save and load levels on http://www.minecraft.net/ now. =)

Very fun, even though there are no goals. You have just wasted two nights of my time. ;D

Here is my first construction, a gate and a boat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCiRR5opnGo

The gate appears to be as high as possible, because the game did not allow me to put any more blocks on top of it. I made the boat by first filling it to drive the water out, and then etching the inside.

Cooperative multiplayer mode would be nice. Maybe so that first in a map editor somebody creates a plan that what to build, and then everybody will see in-game the blueprints (as a wire-frame model) of what they are expected to build.

In a competitive multiplayer mode, it might make sense to restrict the use of some materials. For example, rocks you would need to first collect from a mine, before you could place rocks somewhere else. Wood you could use unlimitedly, but the enemy could burn it easily, so for any strong buildings you would need rocks.

I think it might aid this game to make it third person instead of first person, or make it so you can switch between the two. I personally would really enjoy seeing some character there, because it doesn’t seem to make sense when having a “god” perspective that I can’t fly and have a cursor (like in Populous), etc.

I’ll second that! A third button would be better than “click & hold”, because then there would not be the short delay between clicking and digging faster.

Just imagine how many clicks I needed to dig this cave. ;D Thankfully I found a program called AutoClick that gave me a hotkey for faster digging (10 clicks per second).

It would also be useful to be able to dig an area of 2x2 or more blocks at a time. That would help much in digging large caves.

Wow, I love the new sky, plus the trees. I also like the fog instead of just clipping out the far away tiles. This seems like it would be super fun on network, just to build stuff, and what not :smiley:

water is cool

I wasted pretty much all of yesterday crying over signing applets in java, but I finally got it to work and released a new version. =)

You can hold the mouse button to repeat clicks now. The repeat speed is slightly too slow now.

signing is so god awful brittle its not even funny >:( once its in scripts its easy enough - but until then, and while testing its probably one of my least favorite exercises.

Nice, new blocks. What is the official interpretation that what the different blocks represent (1-9 and those that you can not build), or should we use our imagination? In some of the rocks I see something that resembles gold, copper and iron - a new game mode in plans?

Bug: When you return to game from the game menu by clicking “Back to game”, the click registers also in the game as one dig/build.

matzon: Thank god for moral support on #lwjgl. =) I’ve got a script going now, though, and no way I’m touching that ever again.

Jackal von ÖRF: Hey look, it DOES register as a click! Thanks!

The tiles are supposed to be stone, dirt, stone wall, planks, plant of some kind, wood trunk, leaves, sand, and (weakest graphics of all), gravel

I think the plant is the weakest graphic of all, just since it’s not as box-like as the rest of the graphics. Kind of ruins the box…ness? This game is too addictive :stuck_out_tongue: I made a house in it… of some sorts :slight_smile:

EDIT: I found a small… maybe a bug? Since the build height is so close to the cloud height, you can jump outside of the clouds and it looks kind of glitchy. http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/1808/cloudh.png

I released multiplayer the other day, and registrations shot through the roof. Over 24 hours, I got about 1200 registrations, and there currently are about 200 players playing it online. Holy moly!