Mercury: The Simple 2D Game Library | >> BETA coming soon <<

Eh, I would test it out but I don’t feel like downloading tiny sound… Maybe later I’ll take a look at it and tell you what I think! I downloaded the actually library though.

why dont you use the newer javadoc version? this is the old one

Better use JavaDoc 7

Hey wes,
Check your email!

You really couldn’t of just sent him a message?

A camera is a must with practically any good graphics library.

Scaling, positioning, rotation control over all the low level features like the matrices. Frustum culling and hmmm… I’ll think of other stuff!

Well, I tried to play your game but I received this error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no lwjgl in java.libr
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
        at org.lwjgl.Sys$
        at Method)
        at org.lwjgl.Sys.doLoadLibrary(
        at org.lwjgl.Sys.loadLibrary(
        at org.lwjgl.Sys.<clinit>(
        at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.<clinit>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.initDisplay(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Runner.boot(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.demos.jump.Jump.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.demos.jump.Jump.main(

That’s unfortunate as I wanted to see what your library is capable of :confused:

Did you only compile your game for Linux? The error is just saying it can’t find the natives. I’m running windows, so that’s why.

Sorry, but I have another error, I think you’re not handling the actual paths correctly to your resources! res\backdrop.png (The system cannot find the path
        at Method)
        at<init>(Unknown Source)
        at<init>(Unknown Source)
        at com.wessles.MERCury.opengl.Texture.loadTexture(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.opengl.Texture.loadTexture(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.demos.jump.Jump.init(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Runner.boot(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.demos.jump.Jump.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.demos.jump.Jump.main(
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.wessles.MERCury.demos.jump.Jump.init(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Runner.boot(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.Core.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.demos.jump.Jump.<init>(
        at com.wessles.MERCury.demos.jump.Jump.main(

Edit: Oh its fine if the game isn’t all that awesome, I just want to see what you can do with your library! I’m currently working on my own for a special project :slight_smile:

Did you upload the new one? Because I’m still getting the same error when running it :frowning:

Nope, sorry it just isn’t working :confused: But I’ll let you go now, maybe you can figure it out tomorrow!
I took a peek into the jar file, and there is no res folder! The game is trying to access one though.

No idea, sorry, but its not working :confused: I swear, I even searched for a res folder using winzip in the jar file, but it didn’t find one! Are you sure you’re exporting correctly in eclipse?

Maybe you are having a res folder besides your jar file.

Ah yes, it finally works! Wasn’t much of a game, but cool enough :D! That background is really trippy!

Nice update!
MERCury needed a camera, and I love the scaling, wish my engine had that!

That’s what we have [icode]glLoadIdentity()[/icode] for.

Also: ALL matrix operations (except obviously resetting/replacing the matrix etc.) multiply the matrix. That’s how matrices work.

Woah, you’re getting far!

I browsed through your code and things are looking very sleek (very smart idea with a static resource manager by the way)!

Wow, im impressed. Can believe how much work you put into all those different media sources! I love the tutorials, really helped me understand how to use mercury, and the animation/spritebatching is awsome. (+1)
What are you planning to do next in MERCury, and furthermore, do you have an idea of what the finishgd product will look like?

I’ve got to admit, I’m impressed! You seem to have learned a lot over the past couple of months, and its starting to show in your work, good job!

Same here, he’s progressing faster than I am with my old library. :frowning:

  • Jev