Hi everyone, I wrote a simple “game” using LWJGL that allows me to modify a chunk of 32x32x32 blocks ust like in minecraft. It has ray picking and lighting. Here’s a screenshot of what I can do with it :
Alright, now here’s my problem. My code is fairly good, I’m using vertex buffer objects, one for each block. The chunk is never really re-rendered, because each block is an individual object and can be rendered alone. The blocks are also only rendering faces that are visible, and they tell the 6 blocks (if existing) to hide a face for faster rendering.
Now, I’m only getting ~100fps with a 32x32x32 block that only contains 32x8x32 blocks really, the rest is air. Why am I getting so low fps? Anyone has proposition?
Here are the system specs :
i5 760 2.8ghz
8gb ram 1333
gtx 580 1.5gb
intel 80gb ssd
I can post parts of my code if anyone wants it to help me!
Thanks a lot!