Looking for people (well, teenagers) who can help me with a project...?

I am 13 ;D just old enough to join. I know there are other teen programmers out there (I know a few already), and I am looking for someone who is willing to help me on my latest project, which is basically a 3D FPS/RPG sandboxing style game using JMonkeyEngine. (more details if you join)

  • Must be a teenager (I have worked with some adults before, did not like it (well, probably because they thought I was an adult too XD))
  • Must be fairly good at Java, and have some experience with JMonkeyEngine

umm… that’s it. If you’re interested, please leave a post! :wink:

Also, only reply if you are interested. If you think I am a liar, keep your comments off this post and go die in a hole.

Great first post!

Hahaha very funny. I said keep comments off plz…

Acting like you own the place won’t help in making friends. Please change your tone and you might actually find people willing to work with you.

… and you might also want to add pictures or something visible so people can see what they are getting into. I also think if you are looking for someone with “experience”, you might want to widen your age base a bit. Not all adults are boring, uncool, and hard to work with. Just saying…

HAHAHA look at the replies!!! I’m trolling! success… ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Kids these days :confused:

(Riven’s stars just turned blue, I totally saw that.)

My thoughts on this thread:

Life is too short to be trolled by a newbie. Cool down period has been set in place. Erik, you’re welcome back when it expires.

Guys like this make my age look really bad :confused:

Nope :slight_smile: Attitude has nothing to do with age, and therefore the behavior of this guy doesn’t reflect on you.

Yup, I remember when I was teen and still acting like a sir 8) maybe because there were no Dota or COD 9 years ago.

im almost 14 :o never remembered acting like this

16 here, I hope I’m nothing like that. And I just started playing DOTA… :persecutioncomplex: Oh no!

DOTA is not bad if you unplug the internet and play with AI map.

Quite a bad troll actually, He revealed himself on the 4th post.

he didnt even say what hes going to do :o

yeah, i’ve only played one online match, other than that, just with friends on private matches

I think it’s 3rd, he only made 3 posts here.

I lol’d.

I don’t remember being this obnoxious when I was 13…