LibGDX + Android = soo much 10fps(SOLVED)

So I am trying to isolate an issue. My game always seems to run at 10fps.

I first thought it was having too many ‘box2d’ objects, I averaged about 1000. So I rewrote my code so now there is usually less than 150

Then I thought maybe it was the fact that in level creation, I was filling the whole level, then ‘removing’ the empty parts.
-So I redid it, in a way I should have done from beginning, and had it only create from nothing the very specific parts.

So then I realized, all my optimizations were pointless and stupid because nothing had changed.
So I started to look into profiling so I know for REALZ :point: what is actually causing the slowdown.

I am a newb when reading it but I am using eclipse’s DDMS
At some point I start method profiling.
and I start to see where the most cpu and time is spent. then try to reduce from there.

So in beginning I tried optimizing those sections, but after seeing 0 effect, I just started commenting out entire blocks of code, render, update sections
To the point, where I wasn’t rendering/updating any particles, worldly tiles or anything.
Its essentially all removed away. and its still running at 10fps! :cranky: :’( >:(


I am not sure what I should be looking for. What exactly is causing my slowdowns?
I’ve removed quite a bit of code but should I try and lower excl cpu % or excl real time? or cpu time/call ?
I am not sure which of the statistics should be my focus. As you can see, they arent necessarily all in the same places.
I have no idea what is causing the performance to be sooo slow.

Any thoughts or helps on how to isolate the performance issue would be greatly appreciated!!


after hours of struggling, but within minutes of posting. I find the problem

So I switched cfg.useGL20 back to false. And although I doubt that is the issue directly.
It made me turn off a ShaderProgram and FrameBuffer that I was using for a realtime Gaussian blur for the distant background.
and Although I had removed the rendering of what it was blurring. I never removed the ‘blurring’ itself.
Once I removed that, fps jumped back up to 60 (well most of the time :clue: )

Anyways, I suppose there is a more efficient way to do Gaussian blurring than the way I had done it, but I am not too worried about it right now. Just gonna remove it.

Did you break the fps counter? :wink:

FBOs and gaussian blurs are expensive on Android. Firstly you should use tricks to optimize, like low-res FBO, bilinear sampling to reduce texture fetches, and non-dependent texture reads (passing texcoords from vertex shader).

Some of it is explained here:

But most of the time you won’t be able to achieve real-time full screen multi-pass blurs with (current) hardware on Android. Here is a look at some alternatives: