I am testing my combat system in Vangard versus leveling up.
Assuming a fighter devotes all advancement points to certain fighting-related attributes and skills, this is the percentage of fights they win at different levels against a level-zero average opponent:
Level 0 v Level 0: 45% wins (10% of the time they both die)
Level 1 v Level 0: 60% wins
Level 2 v Level 0: 80% wins
Level 3 v Level 0: 89% wins
Level 4 v Level 0: 96% wins
Level 5 v Level 0: 98% wins
I’m wondering if the contest is too non-random, or maybe it is too random…
A couple of levels difference leads to an overwhelming advantage. Is a 60/40 split too much for a one level gap, given that levels can go up to 30 or more? And given that most humans are likely to range between levels 0 and 10.
On the other hand, as a player I do not pick tricky fights, I only get into fights where I know I am going to come out on top. As a level 3 warrior fighting a level 0 civilian, would I accept a risk of 10%, or would that be too high in practice? It means if I picked four “safe” fights I would have a one in three chance of ending up dead.