Judging due tomorrow (results now due on March 31st)

Graphics and audio in the same game :wink:

Seriously, I don’t think you’d get much more by way of gameplay. Hardcoded levels, more powerups, better AI (all where applicable), yes.

we wannt some results :wink:

ChrisM, here is the JAR file for PacPitfall. I want to have my game evaluated by all judges. I really don’t wanna lose your comments!

ygh, how much longer?

Was going to publish this morning, but figured out that the score calculations from the database were wrong. Didn’t have time to fix it because of a conference I was attending. Now when that is over, the results will be up within the hour!

I couldn’t help it - I ended up scoring them as I would give grades, so there was almost nothing less than 60%. Order-wise, though, they’re as they should be so I think it’s fine.

f5-f5-f5-f5 LoL
Should be any time now ;D

Looks like the results are up.


Left 4k Dead won, although I only rated it 2nd place personally because I put a little bit more value on uniqueness of concept, I think.

Congrats Markus! - best 4k game evar? :slight_smile:

Well done to everyone who competed, yet another year of raising the quality bar. It’s going to be even more difficult next year!


Well done everybody. :slight_smile: Especially the judges for writing comments for every single game.

Out of interest, how are 0/0/0 results for “would not run” reviews taken into account?