jsr231 and ATI workarounds

Hi, is there any ATI specific workaround still in use with jsr231 ? or is there a good programming practive to follow (like : creating the canvas from the EDT ?)

I’m looking for a solution about these frequent freeze occuring in my game applet (many seconds every now and then) for ati owners.


Is that really a JOGL problem ??? I experience similar behaviour on my ATI equipped test computer when running my virtual globe (http://globe.sintef.no/), but believed it to be the generally rotten state of that computer. I’m using old JOGL by the way.

When investigating the case with the Windows task manager I have noticed that when the application freezes the Windows System (not the System idle) process runs at allmost 100% CPU, which makes me believe that it could be some behind-the-scene memory housekeeping going on.

Rune Aasgaard

I have also seen this bug with ocx (wich are of course not java) control embedded into web page, It is seem to be more a bug with ATI windowed application than a specifiv java/or java ogl binding bug.


The current JOGL implementation, as in 1.1.1, puts all of its internal OpenGL work and all GLEventListener-related work on to one thread internally for stability reasons in particular on ATI cards. However, it relies on there being only one Event Dispatch Thread (EDT), which is not necessarily the case when e.g. Dialogs are used and is definitely not always the case when applets are in use. I’ve filed Issue 191 to track this. Perhaps we can add a new -Dopengl.1thread=new alternative which creates its own worker thread internally or something similar.

Have you checked to see whether the people running into problems are using the latest drivers from ATI? I found that one of ATI’s more recent driver releases fixed a bunch of problems we had had to work around in earlier versions of JOGL.

I have the newest drivers, but the rest of the computer is very shoddy, and my initial thought (before lilian’s post) was that it was paging or GC. Now, I’m not sure anymore…


In general please report problems like this to ATI using their web feedback form and have users running into these problems report them to ATI as well. ATI has historically been unresponsive to improving the robustness of their drivers as far as I can tell, so maybe larger bug volume will focus their attention more on the stability of their OpenGL support.

I’m currently whipping ATI over this (ticket: 737-954950). C’mon lilian, let’s keep the pressure up! ;D


I have the exact same problem. My application work very well when it’s in standalone, but with an applet, i got freeze problem with ATI card only. Any news? Didn’t find the ticket you talk about, do you have a link?


Has there been a recent ATI driver update? I noticed my applet freeze problems completely went away when I updated my driver yesterday. (For Radeon 9800 on Windows XP).


The driver I’m mentioning is Catalyst 6.3 which appeared in early March 2006.

The feature list is here: http://forums.tweakguides.com/showthread.php?p=24218#post24218

But I don’t see anything related to JOGL or the above mentioned support ticket (btw I couldn’t find that ticket either on their website).

I’d be interested to know if this solved other people’s ATI problems as well?


on my comp at work with ati 9550 applets with jogkl works well, without any freeze but i have catalyst 6.2 and have not installed tha latest, on my old 9000 at home there were always problems that why i bought gforce 6200, as far as i know all latest ati cards x700, 9550 and higher have not got any problems with jogl applets with catalyst 6.2 if you have problems with 6.3 this means that it is step back… i thought that at least latest ati card will not have this kind of problems eh…

Hi Kylix,

I think I wasn’t clear enough: the Catalyst 6.3 actually [i]fixed[i] all my problems with a Radeon 9800 that I was having on my desktop. So I was wondering if it fixed other people’s problems as well. It’s good to know that the latest ATI cards only need Catalyst 6.2.


Not mine :’(

as I already mentionned earlier, catalyst 6.1 (or before can’t remenber) have resolved all ati bug for me.

We use 6.3 and that didn’t solve the problem for us :frowning:

what ati card do you have, system etc?

Sorry for the late answer. I never receive mail notification even if i put this option on.

I tried the 6.4 without any succes on a radeon 9000 on Windows XP.

Thx for help

Any new informations on the problem?

We still have the problem with ATI card, even with this simple gearbox example: http://edonix.com/public/jogl/gearbox/ .

We also tried with the laster driver (like i said in my last post) and we still have a big problem with applet (into browser, not into appletviewer).

Thx a lot for help, we really need to solve this cause JOGL won’t be a good solution for our product… :frowning:

I received a mail from ATI for the new driver 6.5. We tried it without any succes for our problem… very frustrating :frowning:


and this is the reason why i bought geforce 6200, i have nothing against ati but i supose that they even do not know what jogl is…

bumpert buy newer ati like x300 or something similiar from tests i know that the latest ati cards do not have problems with jogl, but who knows maybe latest ati drivers have cheanged it again, as you said it is frustrating