I’ve got it down to about 2 and a bit MB, with 7-Zip and a pair of virtual scissors.
Here’s the gist of the situation from an indie’s perspective:
We’d be all to happy to distribute a JRE in our games if it were small enough but as it is our market is based on small downloads and we’d rather the content was actually bigger than the runtime environment!
The solution we’re after is really simple and should benefit everyone in both the short and long term. We want to be able to optionally distribute games with cut-down embedded VMs to get the Java idea out on the “streets” and get our products out there NOW to the audiences we need to target. Being generally tiny clusters of nobodys we have absolutely no way of compelling people to download a JRE because our content is not viewable without the JRE anyway - Catch 22. Even with great reviews all over the internet we’re not compelling people to download precisely because we’re competing with multi-million-dollar marketing budgets for downloads. The end result for us is the same for Sun: the JRE doesn’t get distributed.
But if we’re allowed to ship our own embedded VMs relatively easily, Sun can take care of their part of the bargain and get Webstart on computers everywhere. I’m well aware that this is in progress but it’s nowhere near complete. (I’m having to bail now because I’ve run out of money and I can’t afford to wait for the big push any more - just bad timing I suppose).
FWIW I’m in talks with Lindows and Mandrake about bundling AF with their OSs. I’ve been unable to convince Mandrake that they need to have JWS pre-installed by default because I am a lowly worm. If you were to call them up and offer them a little cash injection as an incentive (and GOK they need the cash) I’m pretty sure you’d have another 100,000 JREs in the world in short order. Lindows is looking more promising - they claim to preinstall Java 1.4 and GL drivers as well but I’m going to check this out for myself first.
Apple are quite promising but their VM and OS are proving particularly quirky and troublesome to work with.