JOGL too slow

Sorry, I already posted this in several places.

Would you please look at it also?;action=display;num=1083955987

Thanks so much.

I’m quite sure it’ll be JNI that’s slowing things down.
But this is not a real life test. Rendering a scene by just doing loads of glColor3f and glVertex3f calls is a bad idea in any language, so the problem is not as serious as you think it is in real life situations.

But, it’s still a problem and having less JNI overhead would be very nice still.

If the GPU is not the bottleneck but the CPU is, then its not really JOGLs fault, is it? I mean, if you cant keep the GPU busy enough (by comparison) that means you shouldnt worry about JOGL performance?

[quote]If the GPU is not the bottleneck but the CPU is, then its not really JOGLs fault, is it? I mean, if you cant keep the GPU busy enough (by comparison) that means you shouldnt worry about JOGL performance?
I would have said the opposite!

If the CPU is the bottleneck, then the problem lies with JOGL and Java (and specifically JNI otherheads).
Conversely, if the GPU is the bottleneck, then Java cannot be the bottleneck.

Though to be fair, the issue here is a poorly designed app. not the speed of Java or JOGL.