JNI passing data from Native to Java

I need to pass texture data (bytes) from Native side to Java. What is the best way to do it, performance wise?

The only way I know would be to create an array of bytes and return it to Java. But that kinda seems slow to me.


I found this page while googling

Which is faster?
Create temp array of jbyte, do env->SetByteArrayRegion
Or just env->SetArrayObject(obj, int index) (Or something like that)


Is there any mechanism for printing error in JNI?

The best way is to wrap the native data in a ByteBuffer using NewDirectByteBuffer and pass that to Java.

Allocating an array and doing a block copy of memory into it shouldn’t be a slow operation. Is the native code reading the textures in from a file? If so that’ll be taking much much, much longer.

Using the nio direct ByteBuffers as a matter of course isn’t ideal IMO. They may not even turn out to be faster in any given case according to the doc quoted above.

I’m rendering some fonts using FreeType, converting rendered text to byte buffer and sending it to java to be used as textures.

This is out of topic, but just now I realized that my Text Renderer has some huge mem leaks, so I tried to ‘make it bigger’ just to see what happens, and it so happened that Windows stopped responding completely. I got an error that said that I should restart my computer by pressing escape button (Which didn’t work) or manually if escape button didn’t work.

I’m surprised that I was able to mess Windows so much just by simply allocating memory.

Off Topic: If you allocate so much memory that Windows doesn’t have enough to operate normally it will mess Windows up.

The joys of C!

I would just think that Windows would kill the application and clear it memory if something like this happens o-o

you’re too used to a JVM!

To be fair you kind of expect Windows to not allow programs to kill it. Windows is the equivalent of the JVM. It’s like the JVM crashing when a Java program doesn’t catch an exception. I suspect that Windows did not crash but rather it slowed down trying to find more memory to use and seemed to be non-responsive.

Actually I don’t think Windows ever ran out of memory. It ran out of RAM… so it went into swap hell.