Recently on the Netbeans mailing list somebody suggested that this switch could help in preventing bad operating systems like Winblows to swap out large Java applications when their windows are being minimized. I think most Winblows users will know this bad behaviour which makes our (large) Java apps so much more sluggish than need be.
The switch is:
I now use it with Netbeans and it does improve things nicely. Of course if there’s not enough RAM no tweak solves your missing RAM problem, but anyway the switch looks to be quite helpful.
I tried it with another Java application which I’ve got open all day: JEdit. It’s much smaller than Netbeans but still the switch makes things better. Since I’ve linked the double click of many textual file types to JEdit the loading of these files is faster with the switch when for example you previously hit winblows_key + M.
I’ve no idea which JDK version actually invented this switch but J2SE 1.5 supports it.