Is there a workaround for this

I want to stream large amounts of data from the hardrive, i’m using the following code

FileInputStream file_input = new FileInputStream(DTConstants.OCTREE_TEMP_LOCATION+fileName);
FileChannel file_input_chan = file_input.getChannel();
MappedByteBuffer mappedBuffer =, 0, file_input_chan.size());

But after a short amount of time i get this exception
“Not enough storage is available to process this command”

i can circumvent this by setting this:

mappedBuffer = null;
file_input_chan = null;
file_input = null;

But calling the garbage collector is really time expensive, so is there another way of doing this



why not create one bytebuffer and stream your data through that?

the behaviour you describe is logical… from the documentation:

[quote]A mapped byte buffer and the file mapping that it represents remain valid until the buffer itself is garbage-collected.
So, create a direct bytebuffer and read the data through

The problem is when the tiny objects on the heap (refering to large mapped native data) are not garbage-collected. The problem gets worse when the tiny objects make their way out of eden-space to the next heap, which will not be GCed that often.

This is a design-flaw of MappedByteBuffers, which make them unusable for most performance tasks.

Yeah, there should be an unmap() or dispose() call that can be used to invalidate the MappedByteBuffer. Is there a bug # for this ?

So what’s the second best thing to fix this, coz sometimes i need to read in a million points, but othertimes when a node is further away only saw 1000

The best fix is just to use normal File IO and don’t use the Mapped stuff until the RFE for the dispose() or unmap() request is agreed and implemented.

Cas :slight_smile:

public static final void clean(final Object buffer) throws Exception {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction()
public Object run()
Method getCleanerMethod = buffer.getClass().getMethod(“cleaner”, new Class[0]);
sun.misc.Cleaner cleaner = (sun.misc.Cleaner) getCleanerMethod.invoke(buffer, new Object[0]);
} catch (Exception e)

			return null;

this seems to work, but only when i set my mapped byte buffer to ‘null’ ( i get an nullpointer exception ) but speeds seems to be fine.
but when i remove the e.printstactrace, it get slow again.
But i got a hotspot virtual machine error when i point a mapped buffer in it when it’s not null.

pretty weird