Is it possible to suppress a given avatar? (aka "Avatar Bashing" [bpd])

Is it possible to suppress the appearance of a particular member’s avatar? There is a funny one that I also find mildly disgusting, and having gotten the humor and the joke, would just as soon not look at it again. But I don’t want to suppress seeing other people’s avatars!

Also, I don’t want to actively complain (or identify which one this is) because I know humor varies and don’t want to impose on others.

I’ve been rumbled! :wink:

More helpfully - would an ad-blocking plugin or greasemonkey script for your browser not do the job here?

Not familiar with using either. I’ll look them up.

It’s just a cow. Sheesh. :wink:

I find the Michael Jackson one disturbing honestly.

Holy smokes. ::slight_smile: I didn’t even use the infamous Riven trick, and folks are taking this personally. :wink:

BTW, I bought my wife a “got corn?” cow mug (Nate’s avatar) and she loves it!

Firefox… right click on the image -> view image info -> [x] block images from (affects the whole domain, mind you)

As a user style:


You should mail the user a note that you dont like to look at his avatar. I would not want to annoy people with my avatar (and if he wants to annoy people, you will enlighten his day with your mail ;)). btw is this eye annoying :smiley: ?

Phil, I am on my phone right now but as soon as I get to my pc I 'll change it.
(I cannot think of other avatar that fits this description better than mine, and even if its another one I’d do it for nate)

And just in case it s not clear, the kid in the pic is me, not just a random kid

Aww, I didn’t mean you had to change it just for me teletubo. It’s just quite odd, makes me wonder about your sense of humor. :wink: It isn’t really offensive, so please don’t take it down just for me.

I’m not loading any ava including my own (not because hate but low speed conn) from forum’s menu ;D

I’m not really bothered for people disliking my avatar, I must acknowledge it was a little bit of bad taste. I apologize for that phil.

(And if my new avatar bothers someone, please feel free to tell)

I liked your old one better. :emo:

points at Nate

teletubo!!! >:(

Your old one was hilarious and much much better :slight_smile:

Darn you Naaaaaaaate!!!

As I said, he didn’t have to change just for me! But still, toilet humor > pedophilia humor. :stuck_out_tongue:

toilet humor > pedophilia humor.
implying picture of kid with pants down is not pedophilia


How old were you in the picture?

Oh, it’s himself? Carry on then, dear sir, and nicely trolled.

It was also himself in the old picture :wink:

I think I was 3 or 4.

And the troll was my mom for shooting this photo :frowning:

I didn’t change it only because of Nate or phil, I was actually a little bit tired of that avatar.

Suddenly I feel very offended by your current picture, teletubo. Please switch back to the old one.