I like theagentd’s avatar since its probably the best frame of bad apple
however its a very big image getting scaled down here which unfortunately makes it very aliased
What?! That you’d even think I’d have an aliased signature is WRONG! You clearly haven’t seen my earlier graphics related threads. xD And why would downsampling produce aliasing in the first place? Are you saying that both supersampling and MSAA are fake?
But anyway: Bad Apple!!! Yay! Awesome song is awesome!
I enjoyed the video!
I’m with ra4king, though, in being puzzled about the daggery-winglike thing on her shoulders. There was a dagger thrown just before…?
I edited to the SUBJECT line, per theagentd’s request.
Maybe we should also have an Avatar praising thread. My current favorite belongs to SimonH. :point:
I’ve been upset by the all kinds of aspects of user avatars over time (depiction, animation and so on), this seems the only and best solution
That being said allowing users avatars allows for easier identification of who is actually posting and makes the forum a bit more colorfull…
It’s supposed to be weird. Have you ever seen shadows do that before?
The characters are from a game called Touhou. You can Google it if you want, but get ready for a surprise!