… so this thread is going to be about the specifics of organisation.
Firstly: we need some judges. Who would like to volunteer?
Secondly: we need some prizes, no matter how small. I offer my mediocre games. Any other offers of sponsorship?
Thirdly: we need a set of rules that everyone agrees on. They were thrashed out a bit in that other thread, but the need to be clarified here finally.
Fourthly: we need hosting. Who would like to host the web pages? Shall we just host it on LWJGL.org or is someone going to do it for us?
Fifthly: we need PR. Ideally someone will be making sure that the competition is widely known on gamedev, java.net, indiegamer, ludumdare, slashdot, etc.
Sixthly: we need an overall competition organiser, and a deputy for when said organiser realises how much work it really is and “disappears” for three weeks. Who would like to volunteer for these two posts?
Seventhly: we would like to pursue opportunities for advertising on the competition site, with a view to both raising cash for lwjgl development and also for buying a decent prize. To my mind we should be able to get enough money together from Adsense to provide a prize on the order of a Mac Mini or a Dell or some flashy graphics card. This is all at the discretion of the hosting provider. If it turns out that it’s LWJGL.org then that’s good.