I need your opinion!

Hello, I have been working for almost a week now implementing lighting into my engine without using external resources, meaning that my formulas have been made from scratch.

Now the issue at hand… the lighting looks exquisite when there is only one light source.

Once two come into play, it get’s a bit funky and I’ve been working on getting the multi-light compatibility implemented.
However, I was curious to know if it would be better to give each mesh it’s own light source, or to continue working on making multi-light compatibility happen.

Reasons why I am asking:
If I remember correctly, RuneScape’s old graphics engine worked like that (one light source per object).
It’s being a pain.

Thank you.

I’m not sure what exactly you’re hoping to hear from us. This is really up to you and what you feel like doing.

Why not try both and see which you like best?

Well, I was hoping to hear your opinion. Would YOU prefer one light source per object or multiple light sources per object?

Thank you for your feedback though!

As a player? I guess it really depends on the art style, how each looks, etc. It’s going to be hard to get a definite answer from anybody, since this is entirely subjective and depends entirely on everything else going on in your game.

Do you have any screenshots to show us what each might look like?

Of course!

Single Source:

Multi-source (I’m still working on):

Note that this is a software renderer. This does not use OpenGL.

well I’m sure he meant much more elaborate screenshots than one sphere, like a whole scene.
But again it depends on your artistic vision and the art style

Ah okay, I would show you a scene, however I do not have one prepared, so far it is a model viewer, not exactly a game engine.

I’d think really carefully about what you want to make… even your wildest dreams however unlikely, ask yourself in an ideal world what you’d make with this, because it may become a serious limitation down the line and its always easier to get it done now before everything else starts taking shape around it.

Your screenshot made me think of a planet with the 1 light source, which looks cool. Would look pretty iffy with a player model though imo.

Yes, thank you. I have been thinking and I have decided to dumb it down. I wish to create a low poly game and lighting does not need to look realistic.