Guys, i got this Now.
But im confused with this part:
2optSwap(route, i, k) {
1. take route[0] to route[i-1] and add them in order to new_route
2. take route[i] to route[k] and add them in reverse order to new_route
3. take route[k+1] to end and add them in order to new_route
return new_route;
What exactly should we do???
package net.nexusteam.tsmGaSolver.ann;
import net.JeffHeatonCode.Chromosome;
import net.JeffHeatonCode.NeuralNetworkError;
/** @author Mix Of Jeff Heaton Code with Our Team Code */
public class TSPChromosome extends Chromosome<Integer, TSPGeneticAlgorithm> {
protected Waypoint[] path;
public TSPChromosome(final TSPGeneticAlgorithm owner, final Waypoint path[]) {
this.path = path;
final Integer genes[] = new Integer[this.path.length];
final boolean taken[] = new boolean[path.length];
for(int i = 0; i < genes.length; i++) {
taken[i] = false;
for(int i = 0; i < genes.length - 1; i++) {
int icandidate;
do {
icandidate = (int) (Math.random() * genes.length);
} while(taken[icandidate]);
genes[i] = icandidate;
taken[icandidate] = true;
if(i == genes.length - 2) {
icandidate = 0;
while(taken[icandidate]) {
genes[i + 1] = icandidate;
public void calculateCost() throws NeuralNetworkError {
double cost = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
final double dist = path[getGene(i)].dst(path[getGene(i + 1)]);
cost += dist;
public void mutate() {
final int length = getGenes().length;
final int iswap1 = (int) (Math.random() * length);
final int iswap2 = (int) (Math.random() * length);
final Integer temp = getGene(iswap1);
setGene(iswap1, getGene(iswap2));
setGene(iswap2, temp);
boolean use2OptSwap = false;
// System.out.println("Mutation Calls : " + getGeneticAlgorithm().gettimesMutated());
//2Opt Methods
private Waypoint[] optSwap(Integer genes[], int i, int k)
//Step 1
for(int index = i; index < i - 1; i++)
//Step 2
for(int index = i; index < k; i++)
//Step 3
for(int index = k + 1; index < genes.length; i++)
//2optSwap(route, i, k) {
// 1. take route[0] to route[i-1] and add them in order to new_route
// 2. take route[i] to route[k] and add them in reverse order to new_route
// 3. take route[k+1] to end and add them in order to new_route
// return new_route;
// }
return path;
* @param genes
* @return
private Integer[] optimize(Integer genes[])
boolean improved = false;
double best_distance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
best_distance = getCost();
for(int i = 0; i < getGenes().length; i++)
for(int k = i + 1; k < getGenes().length; k++)
TSPChromosome newRoute = new TSPChromosome(this.getGeneticAlgorithm(), optSwap(genes, i, k));
double new_distance = newRoute.getCost();
if(new_distance < best_distance)
improved = true;
genes = newRoute.getGenes();
return genes;
// repeat until no improvement is made {
// start_again:
// best_distance = calculateTotalDistance(existing_route)
// for (i = 0; i < number of nodes eligible to be swapped - 1; i++) {
// for (k = i + 1; k < number of nodes eligible to be swapped; k++) {
// new_route = 2optSwap(existing_route, i, k)
// new_distance = calculateTotalDistance(new_route)
// if (new_distance < best_distance) {
// existing_route = new_route
// goto start_again
/** Used to compare two chromosomes. Used to sort by cost.
* @param other The other chromosome to compare.
* @return The value 0 if the argument is a chromosome that has an equal cost to this chromosome; a value less than 0 if the
* argument is a chromosome with a cost greater than this chromosome; and a value greater than 0 if the argument is a
* chromosome what a cost less than this chromosome. */
public int compareTo(Chromosome<Integer, TSPGeneticAlgorithm> other) {
if(getCost() > other.getCost()) {
return 1;
} else if(getCost() == other.getCost())
return 0;
else {
return -1;
/** @return the {@link #path} */
public Waypoint[] getPath() {
return path;