WorldGrower is a rpg simulator.
This means that it’s like a traditional rpg but with a dynamic, simulated world.
Npcs do their job, become better at their job, adjust prices for the things they sell, etc.
They also seek mates, have children, breakup with their mates, choose a deity to worship, etc.
WorldGrower contains rpg aspects like crafting, professions, combat, magic, greec gods, etc.
It focuses on skills, dialogue, economy and society.
The world in which your player character starts is an empty world.
NPCs and yourself start to build up society/civilization.
WorldGrower is written in Java, with a Swing front-end.
Here are some screenshots:
Gameplay Video:
Project page:
User Manual:
The controls are:
left, up, right, down or numeric keyboard: move character
left-click: see list of possible actions
right-click: center map
The project code is licensed under GPL-3.
The project graphics are free to use from a third party.
I can use (gentle) feedback.
Anyone wanting to be a user for this project is welcome.