
Creating FlyingGuns was kind of an effort. The feedback we got over time it very poor.

Now let me try this new poll feature…

Too Busy To Get The Password


Should be OpenSource



You should be able to select more than one option in that vote?

Click on the ‘request password’ link and you get it :slight_smile:

To say that again: the reason for the password is the license agreement for the 2 aircraft models I have! Nothing more.

Someone to give me a free 3DS file and I can remove the need for a password immediately. Would LOVE to do so.

How about the 3ds models from Alien Flux? The player’s ship is quite nifty.

Cas :slight_smile:

Maybe more practically…

Since it was ruining the forum layout.

Although they might be a little too high on polygons:

You might be able to get hold of tools to simplify the models.

There are a few more appropriate ones but you’d have to do some work with convertors to put them into 3DS.


This is the package I actually licensed. The problem is, that the $50 are for a development license! I contacted turbosquid for a distributable license - and that went REALLY expensive! $500 per aircraft or so.

It’s really hard to find free models. Most are not textured, have too many polys or the wrong format or …

I don’t own any tool e.g. that can convert MAX to 3DS. And automatically downsizing models to low poly count normally does not lead to desirable results.

FlyingGuns does not need to look highly polished when delivered to the public, but it shouldn’t look (too) poor!

Unfortunately I don’t know a free 3d converter. Anybody?
A friend of mine uses the 300$ Deep-Explorer ( at work, which is comparable to Xnview (or Acdsee) but for 3d. :wink:
You could try Deep-Explorer’s free demo though…

A friend of mine made one plane for us.

So the FG demo is free now - but only one plane :frowning:

Have fun!

edit: ok… it works now.

40fps… freeze for a second… 20 fps… freeze for a second… 30 fps… freeze for two seconds… oh I crashed against the floor/a mointain… and so on.

Aimed for 25fps, fewer details, 640x480x32 fullscreen.

K7 500, 128MB, gf2mx - I need more mhz and ram right? :-/

Yes, one of the few, PLAYABLE Java3D games…

I should have pressed F5 before ::slight_smile:

[quote]K7 500, 128MB, gf2mx - I need more mhz and ram right? :-/
Hm, yes, RAM is a bit short. FG needs ~64MB as a working set (Java3D!)… SHOULD work … GF2 is comfortable.

The development machine was 700MHz, 512MB, GF2 and even on a 350MHz/TNT2 it worked.

Worked much better after doing a reboot.

A 2+ day uptime is just a bit too much for my almost 4 years old win98 :-X


We at Sun own the complete Viewpoint Labs model set.

I’m not sure what we could do with it, if anything, beyond our showing the demos but if you’d like to give us instructions on what you need and how to replace the models we could try to build a “Sun Demo” version with them here…

Sure, that possible and easy. It only about

[]making the models right:
]right handed coords
[]coords unit ‘meter’
]looking in -Z direction
[*]please, not too many polys ::slight_smile:

[]unpack current FlyingGunsObjectData.jar
]copy the models to com/flyingguns/data/objects/planes/xxx
[]make a new jar or make sure that dir is in CLASSPATH
]adapt com/flyingguns/data/xml/planes.xml from FlyingGunsXMLData.jar

I’m currently preparing a new project structure and could provide ant scripts to pack the data together. Soon.

Where would such a Sun-Demo be visible?

Dunno yet, idea ust ocurred to me, I need to check out what our license lets us do :")



[quote]Dunno yet, idea ust ocurred to me, I need to check out what our license lets us do :")

And my license of course :-* … with a good webpage around and a server running somewhere near

Anybody ever got luck to start FlyingGuns on NT4?

Result of the poll

Not too many votes, so a statistical analysis isn’t really possible, but I can try.

[]MOST people didn’t even notice the game or have been unwilling to take even a small effort to check it out. I conclude that maybe the games topic ‘online WW1 flight sim’ isn’t very attractive. Or there wasn’t enough advertisement?
]Some voted for going OpenSource, but noone (except myself) wanted to contribute. This only means that people think having the stuff OS doesn’t harm. Maybe one can lookup some things. This doesn’t create much motivation for the author to go OS! It would mean creating one more dead project.
[*]Only parts of the people who checked it out also tried the online play. So maybe the access to an online server is too difficult. A permanent server would be necessary and some people playing there frequently. Or online play again isn’t attractive at all.

Overall, the result is somehow disappointing.

Comments? Are the conclusions correct?

After that impassioned plea, I had a go - could not get it to work :frowning:

Win 2k, Java 1.4.1_02, J3d 1.3
Webstart details:
An error occurred while launching/running the application.

Title: FlyingGuns Prototype
Vendor: HARDCODE Development
Category: Unexpected Error


I have a model of a Hercules transport plane I made knocking around (pretty low poly) but I don’t think they had them in WWI.

  • Dom