opend a new one as old thread drifted away and grown to long…
about the float/double benchmarks:
most benchs ive seen do the same “calculate something with three numbers” thing. this is wrong bench’ing as i guess, because no one has to “calculate” over the same number millions of times (except fractal iterations maybe)
with three numbers, all this values then fit to vm-registers /real cpu-registers rather then real memory. that makes about big advandtage for the double, which is the “native cpu format”. the fact that it is twice the data has no much impact, as all cpu-actions are 80bit at intel as someone wrote.
i just redoing some those tests now, but it seems at the moment just beginning that float is nearly twice as fast on my old machine (Athlon 1.generation, 750mhz) than double.
why this “strange” / “incompatible” results? i think is it just because i use some thousand floats, e.g. in arrays…
and maybe some real program (ok maybe very rarely) uses more than three numbers…
this may seem strange for some people, but for my part, my programs, game programs in fact do so.
thats why i extended my ram from the old 1k to now 256mb…
exact results will follow
& greets