
just viewed the video with sound.
It’s realy good too!

I agree that the blood looks very amateuristic compared to the rest of the game, but other than that it seems very nice! :slight_smile:


Yeah, this game looks really good and it is pretty refreshing to see a game that takes place from a completely different point of view. I have to say, since probably Ecco the Dolphin, underwater hasn’t been the primary focus of recent games.

As for the blood, you might want to tint the color of the water around the spot red rather than a straight graphic. This game immerses you in very quickly (which is something a lot of games can’t do today,) so I’d suggest just trying to retain the feeling of being underwater. Just tinting the water around the screen wound a bit more red and having it fade would be more than required, in my opinion.

Sounds is always something that can be improved, but visuals will sell it more than anything. I’ll be keeping an eye to see how this game progresses, good work so far.

Thank you all for your feedback and your support!
I’ll put a website online on Monday. I’ll let the game as it is on the video, but I heard what you said and I’ll work on this for the next update.
@ctomni231: I’m already tinting the borders of the screen. For the moment, it is just done with glColor and 4 quads around the screen, it is visible in the video. But I 'll make a shader later for that in order to have a nice effect. Yet I don’t want this effect to be too strong as it could be annoying for the player. Thanks for the other things you said :smiley:

Everything is set. You can play the game now ! ;D

Really good to play, these huge weeds look impressive.

The hit effect / sound was really crappy and ruins the beautifull ambience, why dont you create some 3d blood splat effect.
I think some critters / fishes would also be really nice to see around.
Really good, please add more :smiley:

It looks great! But I didn’t like the way manta ray attacking me. They attack me at once and was so hard killing them. But this is only an opinion, it’s subjective :smiley:

I agree. I already planned to update them :wink:

It worked fine but I wonder what the difference is with more power? I did 2 damage per shot in the beginning, and with 24 in power I still only did 2 in damage…? With so little damage I died from a lvl 2 mantra…


The GUI works fine but the terrain is not displayed.
It’s only a color-changing one-colored screen…

Tried it again and clicked the right mouse button! :wink: It would be nice if there was a skill to upgrade the shots as well, but maybe that is done by weapon upgrades?

The right button skill makes the game a lot easier (especially the lvl 2 octopus) but the mantras are really difficult to hit with the stone.


@Mickelukas: For the moment, you can only upgrade your life & energy. But soon you’ll be able to get new skills and new powers. The stone power will not be a default power, you’ll have to get it from the evolution map. For the weapon, upgrades will be hidden in the game. New weapons will also be hidden.
@Drenius: Sorry for the trouble. Do you have a screenshot or a java console info that can help me finding out what is your problem?

I just added currents. You are now able to go back from deepest levels and can not be stuck if you forgot to do things in higher levels. :slight_smile:


skate fishes lvl 2 are op. No way in killing them. anyways Looks good so far! I like the suit evolution thing, might still be a bit too basic but i’m sure you’ll work on that later.

It always looks like I’m looking straight up, but it changes the color when ‘looking around’…

those skate fish are WAAAY OP.

The only thing that makes them op is the difficulty in hitting them with the throw stone skill. Once that is fixed they are okay.


New update !! (alpha v02.01)
I think this update could be called “JGO update” as it mostly fixes all problems mention in your feedbacks. ;D

Here are the new features:

  • update: reduce underwater sound
  • add: currents linking different levels
  • add: max speed limit
  • update: sound and display when enemy is touched
  • update: black halo around the screen
  • add: Shell enemy
  • update: skatefish design and texture
  • update: skatefish is now a harmless fish
  • add: new harmless fish
  • add: arrow speed generates bubbles
  • update: in NO DEBUG mode, console displays all pieces of information
  • fix: arrows hurt floor. A sound is played at collision point
  • update: console log is written in file “farsky.log” in NO DEBUG mode

As you can see on this picture, the skatefish has been redesign and is now harmless.


Enjoy ! :wink:

@Drenius: In this update, I put all logs from the console in a file “farsky.log” that I can use for debugging. This file should appear in the folder where you put the launcher. Please copy/paste it so I can understand where your problem comes from. I can not do it otherwise as I tested the game on several computers without having any trouble ( I can not reproduce your bug…).

If you want some explanation on how the world is made, I posted a video with a pre-alpha video and some comments :wink:


After upgrading the game crashes when I click “New game” (Java process stopped responding).


New texture Id: 1, for: textures/gui/chillerFont.png
New texture Id: 2, for: textures/gui/chaparalFont.png
New texture Id: 3, for: textures/gui/eccentricFont.png
New texture Id: 4, for: textures/gui/title.png
New texture Id: 5, for: textures/white.png
New texture Id: 6, for: obj/alga/Talga.png
New texture Id: 7, for: obj/giantAlga/TgiantAlga.png
New texture Id: 8, for: obj/chest/Tchest.png
New texture Id: 9, for: obj/chestTop/TchestTop.png
New texture Id: 10, for: obj/rockWall/TrockWall.png
New texture Id: 11, for: obj/octopus/Toctopus.png
New texture Id: 12, for: obj/shell/Tshell.png
New texture Id: 13, for: obj/hand/Thand.png
New texture Id: 14, for: obj/harpoon/Tharpoon.png
New texture Id: 15, for: obj/arrow/Tarrow.png
Fri Aug 16 16:04:23 CEST 2013 INFO:Initialising sounds..
Fri Aug 16 16:04:23 CEST 2013 INFO:- Sound works
Fri Aug 16 16:04:23 CEST 2013 INFO:- 64 OpenAL source available
Fri Aug 16 16:04:23 CEST 2013 INFO:- Sounds source generated
SoundManger id: 65, for file: sounds/musics/background.ogg
SoundManger id: 66, for file: sounds/musics/tension.ogg
SoundManger id: 67, for file: sounds/musics/calm.ogg
SoundManger id: 68, for file: sounds/musics/underwater.ogg
SoundManger id: 69, for file: sounds/soundEffects/enemyScream.ogg
SoundManger id: 70, for file: sounds/soundEffects/jetpack.ogg
SoundManger id: 71, for file: sounds/soundEffects/click.ogg
SoundManger id: 72, for file: sounds/soundEffects/hover.ogg
SoundManger id: 73, for file: sounds/soundEffects/octopusNoise.ogg
SoundManger id: 74, for file: sounds/soundEffects/enemyScream.ogg
SoundManger id: 75, for file: sounds/soundEffects/groundExploder.ogg
SoundManger id: 76, for file: sounds/soundEffects/capaCharged.ogg
SoundManger id: 77, for file: sounds/soundEffects/bass.ogg
SoundManger id: 78, for file: sounds/soundEffects/floorExplosion.ogg
SoundManger id: 79, for file: sounds/soundEffects/heartBeat.ogg
SoundManger id: 80, for file: sounds/soundEffects/hurt.ogg
SoundManger id: 81, for file: sounds/soundEffects/harpoon.ogg
SoundManger id: 82, for file: sounds/soundEffects/chestOpening.ogg
SoundManger id: 83, for file: sounds/soundEffects/item.ogg
SoundManger id: 84, for file: sounds/soundEffects/wallFalling.ogg
SoundManger id: 85, for file: sounds/soundEffects/outFromGround.ogg
SoundManger id: 86, for file: sounds/soundEffects/touched.ogg
SoundManger id: 87, for file: sounds/soundEffects/spear.ogg
SoundManger id: 88, for file: sounds/soundEffects/air.ogg
SoundManger id: 89, for file: sounds/soundEffects/hurtFloor.ogg
** Shaders Loading Begins **
== Loading world Shader ==
* VertShader log *
* FragShader log *
* Link Log *
* Validate Log *
== Loading worldFloor Shader ==
* VertShader log *
* FragShader log *
* Link Log *
* Validate Log *
== Loading map Shader ==
* VertShader log *
* FragShader log *
* Link Log *
* Validate Log *
== Loading blur Shader ==
* VertShader log *
* FragShader log *
* Link Log *
* Validate Log *
== Loading bright-pass Shader ==
* VertShader log *
* FragShader log *
* Link Log *
* Validate Log *
== Loading bloomAdditive Shader ==
* VertShader log *
* FragShader log *
* Link Log *
* Validate Log *
== Loading hands Shader ==
* VertShader log *
* FragShader log *
* Link Log *
* Validate Log *
== Loading enemy Shader ==
* VertShader log *
* FragShader log *
* Link Log *
* Validate Log *
== Loading blackBorders Shader ==
* VertShader log *
* FragShader log *
* Link Log *
* Validate Log *
== Loading worldTest Shader ==
* VertShader log *
* FragShader log *
* Link Log *
* Validate Log *
== Loading worldFloorTest Shader ==
* VertShader log *
* FragShader log *
* Link Log *
* Validate Log *
******** Shaders Ids *******
world:	3
worldFloor:	6
map:	9
blur:	12
bright_pass:	15
bloomAdditive:	18
hands:	21
enemy:	24
blackBorders:	27
*** Shaders Loading Ends ***
World Manager Thread -> Run
New texture Id: 16, for: textures/Tsand.png
New texture Id: 17, for: textures/Nsand.png
New texture Id: 18, for: textures/particle.png
New texture Id: 19, for: textures/godRay.png
New texture Id: 20, for: textures/grass.png
New texture Id: 21, for: textures/eye.png
New texture Id: 22, for: textures/grad.png
New texture Id: 23, for: textures/pickCursor.png
New texture Id: 24, for: textures/disk.png
New texture Id: 25, for: textures/floorHole.png
New texture Id: 26, for: textures/sandParticle.png
New texture Id: 27, for: textures/Trock.png
New texture Id: 28, for: textures/lava.png
New texture Id: 29, for: textures/gui/bar.png
New texture Id: 30, for: textures/gui/evolutionMap/capaArmor.png
New texture Id: 31, for: textures/gui/evolutionMap/capaEnergy.png
New texture Id: 32, for: textures/gui/evolutionMap/hexaWhite.png
New texture Id: 33, for: textures/gui/evolutionMap/hexaBlue.png
New texture Id: 34, for: textures/gui/evolutionMap/hexaYellow.png
New texture Id: 35, for: textures/gui/evolutionMap/hexaLight.png
New texture Id: 36, for: textures/gui/evolutionMap/evolutionMapSmallHeader.png
New texture Id: 37, for: textures/gui/evolutionMap/newSource.png
New texture Id: 38, for: textures/gui/evolutionMap/newSwitcher.png
New texture Id: 39, for: textures/sight.png
New texture Id: 40, for: textures/gui/optionElement.png
New texture Id: 41, for: textures/gui/optionArrow.png
New texture Id: 42, for: textures/gui/mapCursor.png
New texture Id: 43, for: textures/gui/loading.png
New texture Id: 44, for: textures/gui/loadingLines.png
New texture Id: 45, for: textures/gui/ink.png
New texture Id: 46, for: textures/gui/avatarBlackBar.png
New texture Id: 47, for: textures/gui/avatarLifeBar.png
New texture Id: 48, for: textures/gui/avatarEnergyBar.png
New texture Id: 49, for: textures/elec.png
New texture Id: 50, for: textures/currentParticle.png
New texture Id: 51, for: textures/bubble.png
New texture Id: 52, for: obj/skatefish/Tskatefish.png
New texture Id: 53, for: obj/standardFish/TstandardFish.png
New World
World Manager Thread -> Run
Stage 0, Zone Position:	X:0.0	Y:-1000.0	Z:0.0
Stage 0, Zone Position:	X:0.53414726	Y:-1000.0	Z:-15.011372
Stage 1, Zone Position:	X:-7.5039687	Y:-3000.0	Z:-29.739416
Stage 1, Zone Position:	X:3.8020234	Y:-3000.0	Z:-31.07749
Stage 1, Zone Position:	X:-12.558139	Y:-3000.0	Z:-29.407213