Dual Processor

Will java make use of dual processors? Is this limited by the operating system? In that case how would it work on Linux and Win2K?

I believe it will. Java threads are real OS threads, and will automagicly take advantage of dual/multi processors.

  • elias

The best way to take advantage of dual processors in clientside Java games (where you only have one thread, right?) is to enable concurrent garbage collection. Other than that it’s of practically no use to you whatsoever.

Cas :slight_smile:

Java3D is designed to exploit MT on MP systems. So if the game is not totally GPU limited and uses many of the Java3D features, a speedup may be noticable.

Having a seperate CPU just for the network receive thread might be overkill :slight_smile:

If you have a complex game where e.g. a neural network has to be trained genetically, this could be an opportunity for a second thread. Not very common nowadays…

Ok. Lets see that I got this thru my thick skull…

If there is more than one thread then java will automatically make use of dual processors?

How to make best use of databases? Is there a speed difference by splitting it across disks and could one processor be designated for searching the database?

No, the operating system will automatically make use of multiple processors. It’s a subtle difference.

Databases are a whole different ball game. Best to just let them get on with it and do their job. The number of CPUs, the faster the CPUs, the more RAM you have, and the number of harddrives in your RAID will directly affect the performance of the database; but nothing nearly like as much as you can affect it yourself by design, tuning, and usage.

Cas :slight_smile:

Point and advice taken. :slight_smile:

Win2k and Linux will make use of 2 or more CPU’s. Mac OS X most probably, but I havn’t tested it there. Mac OS 9, don’t know.