Dealing with source code on several PC


I move a lot between several PCs and I have hard time to deal with source code :frowning:
At first, I have tried to use a sync software that works over FTP… but some PC have a really bad internet connexion and it has screwed up my code several time >:(
I know CVS and Versionning but it seem that you can only install it on a private server. (And I don’t want to use something like google code or sourceforge for every little test project I do)

Is here any software like versionning that can be install on a PHP server ?

setup Subversion - and hook it up through apache

You must have a private server to do this. I want (if possible) to use a basic webserver with php/mysql.

What precisely is your use case? Do you have shell access to your server? Do you want to extract the code there or just use it as a drop box?

Approaching it from a different angle:

I solve this problem by doing everything from a (fast) mobile disk. That includes JRE, Eclipse, workspace… and everything else.

There are plenty of free svn hosting sites, and some that don’t require you to be open source too:

Although I favour getting proper webhosting which allows you to install svn yourself.

i do a hybrid: like riven i use a portable harddrive / flash drive but have a svn repository, svn server, eclipse and JRE on it

[quote]What precisely is your use case? Do you have shell access to your server? Do you want to extract the code there or just use it as a drop box?

  1. No shell access (not on my current cheap webhost).
  2. My priority is the drop box but I think I will not escape a versionning.

[quote]I solve this problem by doing everything from a (fast) mobile disk. That includes JRE, Eclipse, workspace… and everything else.
3) I’m a scatterbrain… ;D I will forget it so forget it :wink:

[quote]There are plenty of free svn hosting sites, and some that don’t require you to be open source too
4) Thanks, I will take a look to them

[quote]Although I favour getting proper webhosting which allows you to install svn yourself.
5) Beside basic (cheap) webhosting, I didn’t search one… In fact, I never came accross one with searching for webhosting.

Strap it to your head.

Seriously though, it can’t be that hard? Once you forgot it a few times, you’ll get the hang of it.

I have this exact problem… so waht I do is I have a NAS that I store all of my code on :).

but then again, you probably dont happen to have one of those just chilling in your house…

I haven’t tried it yet, but ‘git’ is one of a couple of non-centralized versioning systems. ‘distributed version control system’

Anybody has tried dropbox ( I plan to use for my future projects. Apparently you can share files among multiple users. If it works well then bye bye flash drive!

Well, when you forgot it and you can do anything for 2 or 3 weeks, it’s really annoying :frowning:
And I had bad experience of corrupted files on mobile storage.

For subversion server, I found interresting. Anyone has try it ?
If I remember, I can deal with subversion directly in netbeans.

I did this but I was always thwarted when a new computer gave the USB stick a different drive mapping, say B: instead of G: or whatever. Since Ant is used to build projects in netbeans (and eclipse?), and Ant uses drive-dependent commands which screws up my builds… Is there a way around this? ???

I use DynDNS to host my own SVN server from my home. My server runs a service that periodically updates my home’s IP with DynDNS.

I use ant and no need to have drive letters in there.
Here’s mine:

<project name="Build jars" default="build_jar_server" basedir=".">
<property name="output_dir" value="jars"/>
<property name="output_jar_server" value="jars/server.jar"/>

<target name="build_jar_server">
	<mkdir dir="${output_dir}"/>
	<jar jarfile="${output_jar_server}">
	 	<fileset dir="bin/" includes="**/*.*"/>
		<fileset dir="../anotherpackage/bin/" includes="**/*.class"/>
	<signjar jar="${output_jar_server}" alias="nobrakes" storepass="secret" keystore="nobrakes.keystore"/>

<target name="gen_keys">
	<genkey alias="nobrakes" storepass="secret" keystore="nobrakes.keystore">
		    <param name="CN" value="No Brakes Media Osk."/>
		    <param name="OU" value=""/>
		    <param name="O"  value=""/>
		    <param name="C"  value="FI"/>

dont know about versionning over php but as said before there is probably low price and/or freeSVN server, I am a bit paranoid and preferabily use SVN aswell as mirror folder on two separated hard drives as a low cost raid 1 software solution…

I have netbeans + java + svn on my pen. With a little bit of config file hacking, netbeans can be set to use relative paths (so your configs are on a directory adjoining or netbeans itself contained on another dir).

Then i just copy this directory to the computer i am using and use it from there (i hardcode the jdk to the pen - since pens have the same names).

It can even work on linux too since netbeans uses a bash script, and you can point it to another config file.

Then i put my projects on google code and the local copies on the pen somewhere, and copy the dir to the desktop to run it (much faster, less harsh on the pen)

It’s a little bit irritating when i need to update the ide, or installing plugins or accept certificates/passwords (run from the pen) but it works ok.

A source control system is the best solution (i.e. Subversion), either by running it yourself or provided by one of the many free project hosting sites.

But another suggestion is to get a GMail account and then install GMail Drive on all the machines. It’s a shell extension that makes your GMail account look like just another a networked folder. You can then just drag and drop source-code in and out from the folder as though it’s a file server.

I tried the Gmail drive thing. And it looks pretty cool :).