Dealing with source code on several PC

Forget GMail drive, I think I’ve found exactly what you need. Windows Live Mesh. Only in beta, but it’s 5gb of online storage space which will automatically upload and backup marked folders to it. It will also sync the content of these folders across multiple PCs for you, plus online access through the website.

Best of all it’s entirely free!

As someone doing the same thing. Working between the 3 machines at home, a laptop and 2 machines at work plus the cluster, I use git. I would recommend using a decentralized version control in this situation as svn(what i tried first) really doesn’t like it if 2 different versions are out of sync. Merging is a pain, and often doesn’t work. I had problems with the repository getting corrupted.

So i use git. When i work on something on the train on the laptop, where i forgot to update from my “central server”, i just pull when i get an internet connection and 99.9% I get a clean merge. I often end up with 2-3 versions of little changes that i just forgot. I do a full pull push just before release to ensure everything is there. (or do a fetch diff to just check). The other thing i like about git is i get a clean directory to work in. I don’t need eclipse to support git. Its completely transparent. While SVN and CVS where not.

If you use windows however git may not be the best tool since it has poor windows support. However there are other decentralized version control tools out there that work pretty good too. I would never recommend centralized version control anymore. Note i am the ONLY developers working on this code, and decentralized rocks. But i still have a “central” server that I push and pull from. I use dynDNS so i can access it anywhere, but there are public git servers around too.

Detl0r, defender of the integrator.