Daedalus - no escape

Oh no its a different one, looks like the upgraded my processor and memory but shook me a bit on the graphics card

“OpenGL 3.0 support fail”


Unfortunately I can’t run your game. My PC is about 3-4 years old and appearantly the graphics card can’t do OpenGL 3. The card has shaders, however.

Would really love to run the demo, because I liked the original Alien Breed on Amiga – it was one of the most atmospheric games at its time!

Can you explain how you did the lights? I am bit obsessed with lights. How you detect the shadows?
Its feel similar than my box2dlights but with perfect accuracy.

@Preston : sorry about that, maybe I will see to use the GL_EXT_framebuffer_object for the FBO, this way older video cards should be able to run the game. But anyway I’m afraid that if the video card doesn’t support opengl 3.0, it will not be powerful enough to run the game at a decent frame rate. The thing is that the lighting consumes quite a lot of fill rate :frowning:

@pitbuller : I basically used the technique described by Orangy Tang for 2D soft shadows :

But I finally skipped the soft shadows part :slight_smile: The graphical result was enough with hard-edged shadows + a blur effect. And moreover I use the stencil buffer to handle the shadows ( as opposed to an alpha buffer for Orangy’s technique ) which is way faster but forbids to have soft shadows.
Here are other articles I gathered about 2d shadows, they all use more or less the same technique :


hope this helps :wink:

It has really great effects. But I can’t play it with myself right? if only there’s monster in here… ;D

Nice job, especially for the lights 8)
Waiting for more gameplay now… ;D

This will probably be a really silly question but would something like this be made with a JFrame and Canvas?

No this is made using OpenGL through LWJGL.

If you want to make this using Java2D (JFrame + Canvas), it’s gonna be sloooooow with all that lighting and effects.

Thanks for the quick response!

@ReBirth : yep, right now it’s good to play in LAN but alone it’s not very fun :slight_smile: I’m thinking about adding monsters and maybe a solo mode … but I have a lot to do before that :slight_smile:

@Tim Spekler : thanks !

@Vladiedoo and ra4king : nothing to add, I completely agree with ra4king about Java2D :wink:

[quote]and an opengl 3.0 capable graphic card to run.
Damn… This looked promising. :frowning:

Damn… This looked promising. :frowning:

can you please tell me what is your video card ? I moved to the ARB extension instead of the core implementation for the FBOs so the game now runs with an opengl 2.0 card ( 2.0 because of the shaders ) … but I would like to know if the game has chances to run smooth on such cards. I will upload an update soon (maybe today) so that you’ll be able to try :wink:

For info I updated the first post with new links.
Changes :

  • the game can ( should :slight_smile: ) now run on an opengl 2.0 compatible card.
  • I replaced my home made ( buggy ) physics engine with jbox2d
  • I changed the grid size from 64px to 32px. It allows to have walls with a size that better suits the player size ( previous ones were XXL :slight_smile: )
  • health can be picked up in the maps
  • other things I don’t remember but most of them on the editor …


Tried the Mac version, got a black full screen then it quits with this in console:

28/04/2012 09:10:16.700 [0x0-0x31031].com.apple.JarLauncher: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
28/04/2012 09:10:16.700 [0x0-0x31031].com.apple.JarLauncher: 	at com.deathpat.shoot.engine.time.TimeManager.init(TimeManager.java:138)
28/04/2012 09:10:16.700 [0x0-0x31031].com.apple.JarLauncher: 	at com.deathpat.shoot.engine.Engine.start(Engine.java:170)
28/04/2012 09:10:16.700 [0x0-0x31031].com.apple.JarLauncher: 	at com.deathpat.shoot.Daedalus.main(Daedalus.java:26)
28/04/2012 09:10:17.064 [0x0-0x31031].com.apple.JarLauncher: SoundSystem shutting down...
28/04/2012 09:10:17.297 [0x0-0x31031].com.apple.JarLauncher:     Author: Paul Lamb, www.paulscode.com

Thanks for the feedback, you’re actually the first one to test on Mac :slight_smile:

This error is quite strange, it means that LWJGL is not able to determine the refresh rate of the current display mode … anyway, I made a fix so that it will use a default value in this case. I uploaded new jars so if you could test again it would be great ! Thanks

Hmm, interesting.

Do you plan to add a single player score attack/wave mode?

Also how do I access the map editor?

Woah that looks really good!


Single player mode will come if I’m still motivated enough after finishing multiplayer mode :slight_smile: If I do it, it should be something like in alien breed.

The map editor is not included in the jar. It only runs in eclipse and right now the map names are hardcoded in the game so it is not possible to create a new map and run it without recompiling the game … this is something I have to work on as I plan to provide it with the game in the future. :slight_smile:

Thanks !

Yep, now it works. Looking good!

Just wondering, would you mind putting up some info on how to put the source into eclipse, if you don’t mind that it.